Partridge Cochin Roo, Roger needs a new home, pics added

For now, I think I'd better not commit to him. Let me know, though, if you're not able to place him in the next few weeks. Thanks!
Thanks everyone, he really is a great boy. Hopefully someone will come through soon.
he really is sweet looking!! I'm sure someone will take him soon!! Keep reposting so it's on the "recent posts" all the time. (are you allowed to do that?)
Okay, I really would like for my boy to go to a breeder since he is so gorgeous. I know there are some Cochin lovers out there. Come take a look, Thanks Michelle
Roger is still available. I am willing to take him to someone or meet you for a good home. I would hate for his handsome genes to go to waste.

Thanks, Michelle
I would love to have him if you are willing to ship him. I live in the mid-Hudson valley in NY.
I will be headed up to see Cyn (Speckledhen) tomorrow, going up 515N , if you can meet me somewhere that I can find (LOL) I will take him. Will probably be headed that way 9ish takes I think a couple hours to get there from here.

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