Partridge Silkie Roo/What ya think??

Jen- I love your roo. If only i had more money id buy some more partridge and sell hatching eggs(i get attached and couldnt give up babies haha). Id love to try and get a pic of my partridge roo. I have a partridge pullet, i think she has to much buff from breeding the roo with buff girls. Most of mine are prob BQ so id love some SQ silkies here. I also like the pure buff(mine arent very good buff), splash, blues and whites. Heres her pic, she may not have good type in this pic because it was her first trip outside. She was hatched in october and we dont have her cage ready so her and her sis and brothers are still inside haha.

What do ya think?
Thanks Lisa, I do love him!!
I think she is cute. I think she is only BQ or PQ but who cares! As long as you love her that's all that matters!!!
Yeah. Im hoping her head fluff gets bigger since shes still around 6 months old. I love any chicken SQ or not, most of mine are BQ or PQ around here, cant afford any good SQ birds.
If you are breeding in a new colour (or other trait) that is not already present in silkies, then you have no choice but to bring it in from a different breed. But getting back to type can take many generations, so breeding in a different breed when the colour or trait is already present in silkies seems like a poor choice. Much better to simply purchase a bird with the desired colour/trait and breed from there.
They all look like pullets.

WHAT! get out of here! hmm.... I guess I'll watch and see. I thought I was big and bad thinking I had all this figured out. I guess not. I really like the two with very blue crests.
Well, no partridge should have straw colouring, although most blue partridge ARE. She is one of the best coloured partridge silkies I have seen, but ideally one wants even more red than she has. It is pretty rare to find one.
They all look like pullets.

WHAT! get out of here! hmm.... I guess I'll watch and see. I thought I was big and bad thinking I had all this figured out. I guess not. I really like the two with very blue crests.

In partridge, boys have very little penciling. Now better photos might alter my opinion (preferably not backlit as they seem to be), but from what I can see, they all have profuse penciling.
Mahogany, and make sure you don't have any gold dilution genes. Think of the colour of a blue laced red wyandotte--those are the colours one should strive for in blue partridge. (Actually all partridge look better with mahogany added in.)

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