Partridge Wyandotte Rooster pics?

Here's a bantam Partridge Wyandotte rooster that I saw at the only show I've ever been to. It was a Bantam show, dang it. It was one of the few pics I took:
It seems to me the partridge rooster never looks like the pics we see in the hatchery catalog or on feather site. They all look much darker to me with no color variation.
I was just reading on the COOP site about the partridge color. I did a seach on just that word and came up with alot of great information. It sems the UK birds are what we see most of the time in catalogs and feathersite. The US birds are darker But there are some show lines with the lighter color. The hackel color in the US is called a cherry red hackel wheres the UK as more the orange hackel. It was suggested to breed the lighter color birds to get down to this color since they are so dark already.
they look darker in buildings than in real life. In the sun, they are BEAUTIFUL. & it's impossible to find chicks...
I have thought of a blue laced red, as well as a blue. I think I'm going to place an order through Ideal and they have partridge wyandottes, so I was asking about them in particular. Maybe when my spring chicks get bigger, I can find a wyandotte roo that needs re-homed.
The partridge color in the US is different than in the UK. I agree that the brighter orange/gold hackles is more attractive but was just speaking to a breeder this past weekend and he told me that it is actually a fault. The darker, more burnt-red is the color they strive for.


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