Paul Newman dies...

All that egg eating made him one of us. We will miss him

This stunned me. I never heard he had cancer and I never really knew his age.
He was and is one of those rare ageless and timeless people in the world.
Duplicated from other Paul post:

Paul was very well known here in southern Connecticut. Many of my friends
have met him through the years and say what a nomal guy he was.

He spent MILLIONS of his own dollars helping people. There is a special place
in heaven for him.

Bon Voyage Paul. You were and still are a good man.
I did not know there were two post on the same topic.

So sad, he will be greatly missed, I know he had not done movies in a long time. I had heard he had cancer from a friend of his in a interview but I never heard what kind of cancer.

Someone else put in here about the length of his marriage and that is one of the things i put on the other post. That is not heard of in hollywood. I know his wife must be sad as well as his children.

I read online he made this comment about his marriage "I have steak at home every night, why go out and get hamburger"!!!!!!!!
what a man, he loved his wife and you could tell when they looked at each other in interviews.

We didnt remember if Joanne Woodward was still living. She's distantly related to my DH. Although we didnt share the same politics, he was a unique individual and humanitarian.

(((Apparently, she is still living...we saw the "survived by..." line)))
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