Peaches is gone

I think it may be too late though. its been like two days, should i go to the suspected dog's house and search around their house? Won't i get in trouble? I miss peach so much, i keep thinking about her and i cant stop.
It's like a nightmare, it really is, it doesnt feel real.
Yes, I would go to the dog owner's house and look around. I know in my case, the dog was heading back toward it's house with my hen. If the owners come out and wonder what you're doing, good - tell them what happened. It's better to go out and try to get some closure then to stay at home feeling helpless and sad! Good luck.
So sorry this happened.

At least you know that she was out running around doing what chickens love best when it happened.

I agree--if you can find out what happened, you'll either find joy or you'll get closure. Either one is better than moping around wondering and imagining.


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