im worried about one of my males, they are molting but one male is dragging his wings! I don't want him to die i already lost a peahen this year from being egg bound. he is eating but he was easier to catch. does anyone have any ideas and what is wrong with him.
Kuntrygirl. I did a double take when I saw your picture. I thought someone had posted a picture of my boys. Look exactly the same..dumb question coming. Are they IndiaBlue? Do they have black shoulder pattern? When my boys were born- hatched I had two cocks. One was an IndiaBlue that disappeared. The other , I was told was a Spaulding cross. He had a white throat and now I am pretty sure he is the sire of my two white peas. I am trying to learn colors and such.. My hens are really being a challenge to know what is what. The boys looked like mine sitting in the shed. Best, Judy of fur and many feathers.
watergoddess, You should probably start a new thread to see if you can get some advice about your boy, because not everyone will look here.
Also include any other symptoms: is he eating? drinking? pooping? making any noises? is it hot or cold where you live? and can you post a picture?
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I'm sorry to hear about your boy.

I'd still recommend that you start a thread and see if someone can help you figure out what was wrong with him, you don't want your other peas to get sick as well.

My beautiful boys that died last year also had droopy wings and were slow moving. They had eaten some rat poison (put out by evil neighbor).
Do you have other peas? If so you should really post more information about your boy's symptoms, how long he seemed to be under the weather, etc., because your other peas are at risk.

*edited to add:
Looking at your past posts, I see you have a number of beautiful peas!
Please try and get help here to make sure you don't lose any more of them.
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He acted lethargic for about a week and was not eating as much. I had a peahen die a couple weeks back thinking she was egg bound but now I think she was displaying the same symptoms. Maybe it was something I fed them? I am always giving them leftover fruits and veggies. Is there anything they are supposed to not eat? maybe they caught something from the raccoon that killed my chickens? I really don't know but I was so depressed I had to take a depression pill and have a lay down.
I'm so sorry, I was depressed when we lost ours too.
I'm no good about health things myself, but I'm guessing someone will ask you about worming, do you worm your peas?
Also, you may know this, but sometimes they can have problems when they live with chickens.

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