Peafowl 103: Illness, Injury, Medication and Care (in progress)

Yeah Kathy, I got your point.
Hi! I'm no expert, but i had a chicken had something similar once, she had a seed stuck on her cheek, so we had to remove it iwith thongs, clean it well wth antiseptic and then give her antibiotics for 5 days, you need to cathch him though for a good examination, we throw a towel on them and then is easyer to catch them! good luck!
Hi! I'm no expert, but i had a chicken had something similar once, she had a seed stuck on her cheek, so we had to remove it iwith thongs, clean it well wth antiseptic and then give her antibiotics for 5 days, you need to cathch him though for a good examination, we throw a towel on them and then is easyer to catch them! good luck!

Good advice!

Yeah catching a bird that can fly, on open ranchland was much easier said then done. It was
obvious that he needed to be caught, just not an easy task. But after 6 days of trying we finally caught him yesterday! He was then rushed to an Avian Vet the same day. I am happy to report he does not have canker and he does not have pox! He just has an abscess in his mouth. Which is quite deep and appears to be quite painful, so he wasn't wanting to eat He is now in an enclosure and being treated with antibiotics and painkillers. Thanks for your advice Javier, it was much more helpful than most on here.
Yeah catching a bird that can fly, on open ranchland was much easier said then done. It was
obvious that he needed to be caught, just not an easy task. But after 6 days of trying we finally caught him yesterday! He was then rushed to an Avian Vet the same day. I am happy to report he does not have canker and he does not have pox! He just has an abscess in his mouth. Which is quite deep and appears to be quite painful, so he wasn't wanting to eat He is now in an enclosure and being treated with antibiotics and painkillers. Thanks for your advice Javier, it was much more helpful than most on here.

Sorry if you didn't appreciate my posts/suggestions, but I'm not the type to sugar coat things, I simply wanted for you to understand that you had to cach him.

Hope he makes a full recovery.

As for catching a bird that can fly on open land, I know it's hard, 'cause I've done it *many* times. In fact, just two days ago, I had to catch eight of them, and two weeks ago had to catch one that flew up onto the neighbors roof across the busy street.


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