
Not everything. They can't have citrus or chocolate, and some plants they can't eat because there is something in it that can make them sick.
Not everything. They can't have citrus or chocolate, and some plants they can't eat because there is something in it that can make them sick.

My birds get citrus and they are fine. They get tomatos, mango, strawberry, grape, kiwi and I have found instructions to put a little citric acid in certain antibiotics to enhance the uptake. I've done this for several years with no adverse effects. Granted, it's not part of the everyday diet, more of a treat a couple of times a week. Or are you referring to lemon or orange? I haven't given them that.
The type of citrus I am referring to was lemon, lime, oranges. That kind. I read that fruit with super high acid content is not good for them.
The thought for citrus(oranges, lemons, limes, etc) is that it may interfere with calcium absorption and may cause thin shelled eggs. I guess if there is any doubt, don't feed it to them. Probably won't hurt occasionally.
The thought for citrus(oranges, lemons, limes, etc) is that it may interfere with calcium absorption and may cause thin shelled eggs. I guess if there is any doubt, don't feed it to them. Probably won't hurt occasionally.
It can interfere with calcium absorption if feed too often yes, but the same can be said about adding Apple Cider Vinegar or Electrolytes to there water to often. As long as your chickens are getting clean, fresh water everyday then every now and then is fine.
This is not entirely true. Humans are able to eat chocolate, whereas if you fed it to a chicken it would get sick because it is toxic to them. Same with any kinds of junk food. Chickens cannot eat everything we can eat.
I see too many people who think that if we can eat it, so can a chicken.
Check out this link for some more information.

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