Hi and welcome to BYC! :frow What breeds do you want to get? And we'd sure love to see pictures if you'd like to share any! :)
Thank you and nice to meet you! Actually, we have a ranch store, not TSC, that is still getting chicks in. Last week's shipment sold incredibly fast, so my friend told me to go and get mine. I got the last 7 and not sure what type. The store is keeping them for me in the warehouse over the weekend b/c I'm moving to my new place Monday. I'll post photos when I get them for identification. The tag was off the bin and the teens that helped me didn't know. I'll be sure to post photos when I get settled next week, tho.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Ready, set, go get some chickens! :woot Have a great time establishing your flock. Welcome aboard!
I know...I know, right? I'm in now....Just picked up 7 chicks right in the middle of my move and have no idea what kind, but the store was selling out quickly and agreed to keep them over the weekend in their warehouse for me ...No turning back now...Lol and Thanks!
Hi and welcome to BYC. Here are some helpful links:

Best wishes

Pork Pie
Good mornin' and thank you so much! I need all the resources I can get and nice to know I can find others near me.

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