Pecked in the eye by a chicken??

I went to the opthamologist right after it happened. Just a scratched cornea, thank goodness! But he did but me on antibiotic drops for a week just in case any nasty bugs were lurking about. Hope you're feeling better ItsWolfeh. Mine hurt TERRIBLY when it first happened. Good luck, wear those goggles!
ok i know this most be pain full but i canthelpmy selfhahahahahah
ok you guiss make me want to get pecked in the eye and not pecked in the eye.always where safety googles around chickens.

One of my sweet girls got me the other day. I always wear my sunglasses now if they're crawling around on me. They are stinkers.

But so cute, you just have to forgive them. :)
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I just finished a fantastic tractor coop for 5 baby Barred Rocks that are about 6-7 weeks old. One chick is more curious then the others, and has pecked my face and lip before, but not drawn blood. Today she went for the eye, I got it closed just in time and she got my eyelid. It still smarts. Thank you so much everyone, for telling your stories and making me feel not so stupid. I babysat my daughters three Americaunas for a couple years and they went home with her a year ago. My yard was empty and the neighbors missed the happy chicken noises, so I'm starting again with my own coop and girls.
I'm surprised to find so many people, that have been pecked in the eye, by chickens. I was pecked in the eye four days ago. I was showing my young chickens some earth worms I'd uncovered and one of my Buffs came up on my left side. All I saw was a beak, for a fraction of a second, before she riped off 40% of my cornea off. It hurt worse than you can imagine. I was able to see a eye doctor within a hour of the peck. After 4 days, it feels so much better. Most of my cornea has healed. They were able to take off the protective lens today. I will NOT go around the chickens without eye protection. I'm very thankful I didn't lose my eye.
I know people like to have them sit on their shoulders, etc. but for myself, I absolutely will not allow them near my face or head, so it hasn't come up. My particular girls' beaks are just too sharp looking, and they're too flighty, for me to trust them!
I got pecked in the right eye and ended up in the ER tonight!!! Three week old Buff Orpington hen...cornea scratch ,large and painful! Be careful they are curious!
I feel so much less stupid now. I got pecked in the eye yesterday, now I have a lovely blotch of red in the white of my eye. Doesnt feel very nice. After reading these posts tho, Im insisting on protective eyewear for anyone handling these lil babies!
When I was young, maybe 10 years old, a Rhode Island Red hen pecked me in the eye. I remember that it hurt, but fortunately there were no problems. I do remember that for some reason, the hen's name was "Dick" (short for Richard - unusual for a hen....).

I was reminded of this just now when my 6-month old white bantam pullet cheerfully scratched my nose. I was checking the new birds on the roost and my tiny bantam, obviously thinking I had treats for her, walking up and starting pulling on my sleeve. I bent down and she pecked at my face. There is a disadvantage to having very tame/friendly chickens!

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