
Mar 11, 2022
Knoxville, IA
So, we are weaning off the lamp.... The days are close to 60s, but the nights are still dropping to 30s. I turn it back on in the evening, but it's up pretty high. They turned 4 weeks on Wednesday, and they need to be moved to the coop because they are just too big for the setup we have. And they are flying. Well, apparently, they are not happy with the new arrangements... They have started pecking us every time we reach in. Hard too... the little terrorists!!! I seem to remember their beaks being trimmed the last time I ordered from Hoovers. Not this time... nope... Sharp little peckers!!!


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I don’t think it’s that they’re not happy as much as it’s them being 4 week old chicks. They tend to eat everything in sight. I cannot tell you how many times my chicks have tried to pull the buttons on my jackets off, tried to eat my zipper, or tried to rip my earrings out. The best thing is when you have a mole they take interest in.

If they’re beaks are really sharp you should just give them something like a cinder block they can use to make them less sharp. I’d advise against trimming they’re beaks since it can cause damage and when given a hard gritty surface they generally can do it themselves.

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