Can I mixe up the peckingorder to make sure the ones in the lowest rank also get daily food ??
Issue is that the ones on top of the pecking order never allow other hens to eat , they are getting even fat while the rest of them has issues laying eggs too because they are often not allowed in the nestingboxes and it ended up today with one having her egg stuck ( you might even say eggbound ) , my orpington only eats grass and ow dear if she found a bug ! the rest that doesn't free range is eating it by first pecking that one so bad she really crawls up to the coop , same applies for the Marans , they are getting quite skinny too despite the fact I give them sneaky some mealwurms and other feed . The bullies are one (probably a hybrid or a mixed breed ) and my leghorns , they're bullies along with the barred girl that s to what I notice even highest in rank while I am really buying myself poor on the food !
Issue is that the ones on top of the pecking order never allow other hens to eat , they are getting even fat while the rest of them has issues laying eggs too because they are often not allowed in the nestingboxes and it ended up today with one having her egg stuck ( you might even say eggbound ) , my orpington only eats grass and ow dear if she found a bug ! the rest that doesn't free range is eating it by first pecking that one so bad she really crawls up to the coop , same applies for the Marans , they are getting quite skinny too despite the fact I give them sneaky some mealwurms and other feed . The bullies are one (probably a hybrid or a mixed breed ) and my leghorns , they're bullies along with the barred girl that s to what I notice even highest in rank while I am really buying myself poor on the food !