pecking order

Mostly to keep them safe and inside the brooder box. The "alpha" her name is Caroline flies up towards me also and I don't want her to get hurt or out of the box. (it is covered with chicken wire but she also tries to fly out while I'm adding crumble and water)
I had 11 hens and no rooster.And at night the lowest in the pecking order usually went to bed first the dominent hen ~(she is quit old now
) went to bed last to make sure everybody was in bed and that everything was safe.But i got a silkie rooster and he took over now he is dominent and everthing is scattered and anybody goes to bed.Hens are more b****chier the the rooster like if i got a new hen when i had no rooster the hen would keeeeeeep pecking her if she did one thing rong but roosters give them one big peck and mount her
And get on with life

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