Pecking order


5 Years
Sep 14, 2014
I was putting the girls in the run for the night and one of the Rhode Island Reds, Lulu, challenged me. This is nothing unusual, Lulu challenges me every time I heard them into the coop. Well Lulu was trying to peck my foot off, every time she got close I pushed her back, and our Buff Orpington Bertha ran up to Lulu and chased her off, I tried to heard Lulu into the coop and she challenged me again. The same thing happened. Bertha looked just like she was chasing off a lower ranking hen. Lulu wasn't doing anything to Bertha. Bertha was across the yard. I was just wondering if any of y'all have had anything like this happen before or know Bertha's cause for doing this. Thanks for your time. :)
Lulu didn't get in her face. That's the thing. All Lulu's attention was focused on me. Bertha was about 3 yards away just meandering towards the coop and when she saw Lulu attacking me she ran her off. She only chased her when she was trying to get me. Our Buff Orpingtons are very mellow, our RIRs, however, are very aggressive. Thanks for your time!
You will be able to tell me if Bertha happens to be the eldest of the flock. If she isn't the matriarch, then she is the head hen. This is common behavior when the flock leader sees one of the flock engaging in unacceptable or disruptive behavior.

Bertha is enforcing flock discipline to keep the peace.
Sounds like a pecking order scuffle, it's often difficult to know who's the top hen, and it can change and rearrange for reason we haven't a clue about.

How old are these birds?

Just saw the new post.....was thinking Bertha was top hen and may the RIR might be low bird.
Bertha isn't the oldest. They're all the same age. I don't think that Lulu is the lowest but she is definitely lower than Bertha! Lulu picks on our EEs all the time. I never thought about Bertha being the head hen. Thats pretty cool I didn't know they did that. Thanks for all your help!

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