Pecking problems


In the Brooder
Mar 27, 2021
I have my first chickens and they have been doing great until recently. I have a mixed flock of 10 month old chickens- a Barred Rock, 2 Wyandottes, a Rhode Island Red, an Isa Brown and a Black Orpington. It was going well until the middle of winter here in NY state. A pecking problem started a few months ago. I relocated the hen I thought was doing the pecking- one of the Wyandottes- to a friends flock. She has been fine there. Recently the pecking has started back up. I came home today to find my Isa Brown pecked so much that she has a deep wound on her thigh. I am not sure if she will survive. Two other hens are missing feathers- the Barred rock and the Rhode Island Red while the Black Orpington and the Wyandotte are not missing any feathers. I do not know which of the birds is now the aggressor. I only have 1 hen house and one run (10 ft x 10 ft.). The hens seem to behave any time I am watching them. I have separated the wounded bird from the rest but worry that I will come home to find one of the other hens severely wounded. Maybe it was a bad idea to mix the breeds of chickens? Maybe my hen house is too small? (the house can hold up to 10 chickens but I wouldn't put more than 6 in it). I thought the run was big enough. I don't know what to do. Any suggestions?
Do an on site search on Pin Less Peepers. They can be utilized to control and sometimes cure this bad habit - generally caused by winter boredom. Most frequently the birds in perfect feather are the culprits. Good luck in resolving this.

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