Hi! Expat in Sicily here.
Struggling with supplies a lot here. I asked a local feed merchant for grit and/or oyster shell and he told me to go to the beach get shells and smash them up with a hammer... This might work but who has the time??! :th
Hi @Applesandlemons :frow I do! Collection is quick if you're blessed with an oyster-shell-strewn beach (forage after a storm). Surely one of the benefits of living in Sicily is good weather for outdoor living, inc wandering along the beach at dawn/dusk/whenever you have a spare 5 mins? Or do I have a mythical image of that lovely island in mind?
Or do I have a mythical image of that lovely island in mind?

Um yeah :frow but that's okay, I still go there when things are difficult

Last year right about now, I arrived here and three days later my hubby went back to the UK (Didn't leave me, business to run back there). So.. I'm in a pretty neglected 'fattoria piccola": (little farm) Pretty much starting from scratch.. hubby helps when he's here about every 2 months... But haven't the time to grind seashells (though it does sound nice... Relaxing on my verandah in my rocking chair grinding up shells :love)

Nice to meet you btw :D
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Hi! Expat in Sicily here.
Struggling with supplies a lot here. I asked a local feed merchant for grit and/or oyster shell and he told me to go to the beach get shells and smash them up with a hammer... This might work but who has the time??! :th
Oh bless you - I'm doing a similar life change here in SW France but with hubby - couldn't do it on my own - total respect to you ! So be fair - if you go grab some shells one day (and honestly good for your mental health to have a wander on the beach and forget the rest!) and crush them up with a hammer it is probably a once in a year or 6 months job - they don't eat much of it!

Welcome to our Europe thread too - glad you joined us :frow:D
Hi @Applesandlemons :frow I do! Collection is quick if you're blessed with an oyster-shell-strewn beach (forage after a storm). Surely one of the benefits of living in Sicily is good weather for outdoor living, inc wandering along the beach at dawn/dusk/whenever you have a spare 5 mins? Or do I have a mythical image of that lovely island in mind?

I did try to collect shells on the beach but the ones I find here are too hard and chickens didn't even try them. waste of time. later I found a shop in athens that sells oyster shells. I live in salamina island. luckily it is 15 minutes by ferry boat away from the mainland.
I did try to collect shells on the beach but the ones I find here are too hard and chickens didn't even try them. waste of time. later I found a shop in athens that sells oyster shells. I live in salamina island. luckily it is 15 minutes by ferry boat away from the mainland.

I did look for oyster shells but mostly found mussels...

Salamina sounds lovely... How are you finding it?

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