They are a non-native invasive species that is a fair problem as they have no natural predators. Apparently they were introduced during a PETA raid on a fur production facility in which the activist set them free with no thought to impact on native habitats.

I will have minks. there is a mink farm 8 km away from my new place. some escaped and survived. I don't know if they have predators.
They are a non-native invasive species that is a fair problem as they have no natural predators. Apparently they were introduced during a PETA raid on a fur production facility in which the activist set them free with no thought to impact on native habitats.
Ughh. :th

I will have minks. there is a mink farm 8 km away from my new place. some escaped and survived. I don't know if they have predators.

Oh no. :(

It seems that mink farms are a problem either way.

Do minks in the area mean you guys can't free range during the day?
Hi, I'm Astrid from Germany. I have been dreaming of having my own chickens for years. I have been a BYC member for quite some time. Last night I was able to pick up my 5 Sulmtaler hens and 1 rooster from a breeder. I can't have chickens where I live, but I became a member of the local breeding club since an opening was available. I was lucky to get in!! I have a coop seperated into 4 smaller coops and a 400 square meter run (parted into 8 different runs)
Hi, I'm Astrid from Germany. I have been dreaming of having my own chickens for years. I have been a BYC member for quite some time. Last night I was able to pick up my 5 Sulmtaler hens and 1 rooster from a breeder. I can't have chickens where I live, but I became a member of the local breeding club since an opening was available. I was lucky to get in!! I have a coop seperated into 4 smaller coops and a 400 square meter run (parted into 8 different runs)

Hi Astrid!

Congratulations on finally being able to get your chickens!! :wee

Wow, you've had a long wait but I'm glad your patience has paid off!
Your set-up sounds really good. I look forward to seeing photos if you'd like to share them.

Hi Astrid!

Your set-up sounds really good. I look forward to seeing photos if you'd like to share them.


Thanks! :D:D

Sure thing!! I'm always for showing off my chickens :gig
Last night they were pretty frightend still. Today they finally found the way out of the coop.

Thanks! :D:D

Sure thing!! I'm always for showing off my chickens :gig
Last night they were pretty frightend still. Today they finally found the way out of the coop.

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Aw, they are lovely! I'm glad they're settling in. :)

That's such a nice space! I had no idea there were breeding clubs that provided areas for keeping chickens. Is this common in Germany? It sounds a bit like having an allotment (vegetable garden) for people with no gardens?

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