Peeps Out in New Coop for First Time, YAY

Oh wow. I love the colors. Is the coop and the run under your house deck? If so what a smart way of using space.

Your chickens are very pretty too.
@4 Love... My house is built on a pretty steep slope so the back side appears to be about 2nd story height. The green wall on the long back side of the run is actually the skirting of the house with a screen porch above it. There is storage and running water in the space behind the wall (there are no walls inside, just the piers and beams and a part concrete, part dirt floor). The brown wall behind the coop end is the skirting is to an outside deck.

...and thanks, I think they're pretty too.
We just officially moved ours outside today too; they're just shy of 12 weeks.

Henhouse all set up...

And girls checking it out.

Our run is not nearly as nice looking as yours - jealous! We've put bird netting across the top, plus a tarp over part of it, which should do for now, in our drier summer.

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