Pekin Duck Club!

Hi im new to rising ducks as well as byc so please forgive me if this isn't the right place to post . I have 10 4 and half week old ducklings. 4 pekins 2 blue Swedish (had 4 but two didn't make it thogh shipping xc) and 4 Cayuga . I love them to death and their are adorable. I have a few questions tho if someone could answer them for me. My pekin are much much bigger then the other much chubby as of now im offering feed all the time but I wonder if I should pull back on it. Im feeding them half show bird feed and half chicken feed. My next question is what would be the best way to tame them? As of now their know im their meal ticket when they need feed the min they see me they go crazy yyelling. I do plan on free ranging them I have a pretty good enough of land as well as a pound and a creek. I would like for them to come when I call them so I can put them away at night cuz something eats big animals at night and drags them thogh my yard then comes back and eats them later and I can't bare The thought of something happening to them
last question do they different in size due to their sex? Three of myyear pekins are breast! But one is much smaller thenyou them could this be cuz it might be female? Or should I be worried there something wrong
So I have 2 Pekin ducks 1 male 1 female, I just noticed about a week ago that there was an egg and I went to collect it. The next day there was another egg but when I went to collect it, it was gone. Today I went exploring and found the stash of eggs in a little house that I built for them. I was just wondering, is there a certain amount of eggs she will have before she sits on them? Will she sit on them? right now they are stuffed under a bunch of straw. Just curious.

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