Pekin Duck Club!

OMGosh!! That is the cutest pic!!

Smith and Wesson were hatched by a jersey giant chicken. So, when I got them, I actually bought a black feather duster for them to hide under. They'd hide in the feathers and peek their little bills out. It just cracks me up what the ducklings decide to bond with!!

Thanks for the compliment :) They don't like the dog much, lately. I think it's the dog's bad breath they don't like. They peck at that dog when he sticks his nose in their faces, haha. Started weeks ago, when they were just little quackers. They certainly have bonded with me, though. It's to the point that when I take them outside I can't go into the house for more than a minute without that female quacking up a fit and them hopping up on the deck and looking for me. She really is a vocal birdie. "QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK!" constantly! And she squeaks and squeals all the time, kind of similar to sounds a horse makes, but in a bird way... hard to describe. They are indoor ducks, it looks like it's gonna be, and diaper harnesses are being made for them. They are too attached to be put outside, plus I wouldn't really want to put them out. We don't have a duck house built yet, either. I want to build them a nice one and get them out in it starting in the Spring, but it looks like they will be staying inside for the Winter. When I take them outside they have a good time and follow me wherever I go around the yard. Very fun :)
Thanks for the compliment :) They don't like the dog much, lately. I think it's the dog's bad breath they don't like. They peck at that dog when he sticks his nose in their faces, haha. Started weeks ago, when they were just little quackers. They certainly have bonded with me, though. It's to the point that when I take them outside I can't go into the house for more than a minute without that female quacking up a fit and them hopping up on the deck and looking for me. She really is a vocal birdie. "QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK!" constantly! And she squeaks and squeals all the time, kind of similar to sounds a horse makes, but in a bird way... hard to describe. They are indoor ducks, it looks like it's gonna be, and diaper harnesses are being made for them. They are too attached to be put outside, plus I wouldn't really want to put them out. We don't have a duck house built yet, either. I want to build them a nice one and get them out in it starting in the Spring, but it looks like they will be staying inside for the Winter. When I take them outside they have a good time and follow me wherever I go around the yard. Very fun :)
Very cute! I have yet to be able to bond to ducks. We brood indoors and we would play with and hold them all many times through out the days, but they were still very nervous of us. We have raised 9 so far and they only kinda liked us. We rehomed 5(too many drakes) and kept 4, 2 of with got taken by predators(1 was my favorite), so we are down to 2 for the winter. Im hoping to hatch some of her eggs in the spring or pic up a few ducklings elsewhere to add to the small flock.
Thanks for the compliment :) They don't like the dog much, lately. I think it's the dog's bad breath they don't like. They peck at that dog when he sticks his nose in their faces, haha. Started weeks ago, when they were just little quackers. They certainly have bonded with me, though. It's to the point that when I take them outside I can't go into the house for more than a minute without that female quacking up a fit and them hopping up on the deck and looking for me. She really is a vocal birdie. "QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK!" constantly! And she squeaks and squeals all the time, kind of similar to sounds a horse makes, but in a bird way... hard to describe. They are indoor ducks, it looks like it's gonna be, and diaper harnesses are being made for them. They are too attached to be put outside, plus I wouldn't really want to put them out. We don't have a duck house built yet, either. I want to build them a nice one and get them out in it starting in the Spring, but it looks like they will be staying inside for the Winter. When I take them outside they have a good time and follow me wherever I go around the yard. Very fun :)
The dog and duckie pic is adorable! So happy to hear they will be inside ducks! Gabby, our Pekin (named for all the constant talking!) was already accustomed to being outside when I got her at about 8 weeks, and she is mostly outside with my Goose. I wish I could make both of them indoor birds, though. Gabby can never decide if she wants to follow me or stay with Francie, her Goosie,, so she usually runs from one of us to the other. I did diaper her a few times, but she got so dirty! Kind of like baby poop on her beautiful white feathers. I've been bringing them in at night and letting them have the laundry room. I just put down a large plastic tablecloth, with that flannely backing side up. Lots of washing, but worth it! Let me know how things go with yours! Your little feathered and furry family is darling!
Hi I bought some jumbo pekins they are about 7-8 weeks old now and the same size as my kwakers. Will the sounds they make change as they grow older or did the petshop sell me the wrong breed.please help from cape town south africa.
Hi I bought some jumbo pekins they are about 7-8 weeks old now and the same size as my kwakers. Will the sounds they make change as they grow older or did the petshop sell me the wrong breed.please help from cape town south africa.
Well, if they are all peeping and whistling then you have a bunch of little boys! Apparently the Jumbos should be full grown at two months old. You may or may not have Jumbos- that is something I cannot asses for you. But I can tell you that if none of them are quacking then they are all little boys!!! The males have a hollow whispery peep and they whistle until they are sexually mature at around 4 months old when they start to sound like little dinosaurs for a week until their vocals drop and mature into deep drake vocals. When I had my last two Pekins I sexed them wrong, believing the quacker to be the male and the cheeper to be the female and didn't find out until they were 3 months old that I sexed them wrong and gave them names by then, too, lol. Had to change that little girl's name from "Billy" to "Billie-Beak." I hope you were sold the right kind of quackers and if my hunch is right then you have little boy quackers!
The dog and duckie pic is adorable! So happy to hear they will be inside ducks! Gabby, our Pekin (named for all the constant talking!) was already accustomed to being outside when I got her at about 8 weeks, and she is mostly outside with my Goose. I wish I could make both of them indoor birds, though. Gabby can never decide if she wants to follow me or stay with Francie, her Goosie,, so she usually runs from one of us to the other. I did diaper her a few times, but she got so dirty! Kind of like baby poop on her beautiful white feathers. I've been bringing them in at night and letting them have the laundry room. I just put down a large plastic tablecloth, with that flannely backing side up. Lots of washing, but worth it! Let me know how things go with yours! Your little feathered and furry family is darling!

Thank you :) My little girl's name is Abby and I call her "Gabby Abby" sometimes since she is such a vocal birdie. And about the diapering: Yeah I hear their feathers get poopy from the diapering but I plan to give them a bath everyday, and use unscented baby wipes between changings to clean up the bulk of it. My birds absolutely HATE being the tiniest bit dirty and will wash and preen from their water bowl at any given opportunity. Also they are very vocal about letting me know when they want their water changed. It's like learning to read the cries of an infant child, lol, and figure out what it needs- food? diaper change? to be held? My birds are very loving and love to sit on or near me. It's hard figuring out what they want sometimes, so I do a lot of running around and trying to keep them happy! It is so rewarding though because having the bond that I do with them is very nice :)
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Well, if they are all peeping and whistling then you have a bunch of little boys! Apparently the Jumbos should be full grown at two months old. You may or may not have Jumbos- that is something I cannot asses for you. But I can tell you that if none of them are quacking then they are all little boys!!! The males have a hollow whispery peep and they whistle until they are sexually mature at around 4 months old when they start to sound like little dinosaurs for a week until their vocals drop and mature into deep drake vocals. When I had my last two Pekins I sexed them wrong, believing the quacker to be the male and the cheeper to be the female and didn't find out until they were 3 months old that I sexed them wrong and gave them names by then, too, lol. Had to change that little girl's name from "Billy" to "Billie-Beak." I hope you were sold the right kind of quackers and if my hunch is right then you have little boy quackers!
Thanks for the reply. I do know how many drakes and ducks I have . What I would like to know is if this is a pekin or quacker breed. Is there no way that you can tell the difference between the two breeds . One more thing is if they between the ages of 8 and 9 weeks old
Thanks for the reply. I do know how many drakes and ducks I have . What I would like to know is if this is a pekin or quacker breed. Is there no way that you can tell the difference between the two breeds . One more thing is if they between the ages of 8 and 9 weeks old

Most ducks are quackers but there are some exceptions. You said they are supposed to be Jumbo Pekins. Jumbo Pekins certainly do "quack," if that's what you are referring to. If you don't have all-white ducks without other colored feathers that look like Pekins with orange or possibly pale-colored long bills free from red caruncles (like Muscovies have) and that are not pretty large by now (you said they are 8 weeks old) then maybe you were given a different breed. Maybe post a picture of them? There are ducks called "Call" ducks are all white with short bills and have a completely different "call" then the Pekin. Here is a link.
I have seen these in pictures on a website mislabeled as Pekins. They are really the only breed of duck that I can imagine would sound completely different then a Pekin and not be large like a Pekin, which is what you were describing as your problem.
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