Pekin Duck Club!

I haven't had any problems with the other ducks as far as poisoning and unless someone did last night while I was sleeping it would have to be environmental. No injury that I can tell. I am going to try the niacin and see what have happens.
Sounds like a good plan. I have seen on the forum, and in my own flock, that each duck has their own nutritional needs. Not all are the same.
Woohoo! Just ordered 1 day old male and 1 day old female. Should be here Wednesday/Thursday!
Congrats looking forward to seeing the lil ones..
now....look at these quackers.... they are supposed to be 3 male ....2 female. I have a sneaking suspicion that only one is a jumbo...look at that head! I can't determine if they are the right genders. Help.
I realize I am responding to a post from a couple weeks or so ago but it looks like you have two females and one male, the male being the large one on the right, of course. And yes, probably all Jumbos, as well. My two Jumbos turned five weeks old today and the male is much, much larger than the female. Your females would have started quacking between two-to-three weeks old, while your male just continued to cheep and peep, eventually developing a hollow whisper. At about four months old or a little older the male should develop his drake vocals and have a deep, masculine "RAAAAAP!" which differs very much from the zazzy, high-pitched "Quack! Quack!" of his female counterparts. Lol plus by the looks of them he should be out there mounting the females soon plus developing a curly feather on his tail (around the time his vocals drop low) making him easily identifiable :)
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Wouldn't you know it... he just happened to mount the females on sunday... and quite the vigorous drake I gotta say....holy cow! Really ... I didn't expect such enthusiasm.
Curious I am tho... does this mean I will start seeing eggs soon?
Wouldn't you know it... he just happened to mount the females on sunday... and quite the vigorous drake I gotta say....holy cow! Really ... I didn't expect such enthusiasm.
Curious I am tho... does this mean I will start seeing eggs soon?
When I had my regular Pekins I got eggs at 4 1/2 months. I am not sure of your ducks' age(s.) Mating does not equal sexual maturity. My (late) Raptor mated his little (late) Billie-Beak girl for a little over a month before I saw a penis come out of him (coily, bouncy cheese-doodle lolololol.) By the end of the week following this event the first egg came, because they had become sexually mature at that same time. However, fluctuation in the weather can effect her egg-laying. She might not start until the beginning of Spring, maybe a little earlier, so I have read. I had mine in the Summer, so I don't have experience with seasonal laying. Mmmmmm and those duck eggs are so rich, thick and delicious. Never got around to baking with them, though, but my! I am certain I could have baked some good cakes and cookies with those things! Sunny-side-up eggs were good enough for me. Yum! Dip my toast in 'em... Okay okay okay... getting carried away... But MMMMMMM!!!!! I can't wait 'til these Jumbos of mine grow up and my little Abbey-Beak starts-a-laying this Spring! Hehehehehe

Just a fun pic to add... Not-so-jumbo Jumbos! :>
When I had my regular Pekins I got eggs at 4 1/2 months. I am not sure of your ducks' age(s.) Mating does not equal sexual maturity. My (late) Raptor mated his little (late) Billie-Beak girl for a little over a month before I saw a penis come out of him (coily, bouncy cheese-doodle lolololol.) By the end of the week following this event the first egg came, because they had become sexually mature at that same time. However, fluctuation in the weather can effect her egg-laying. She might not start until the beginning of Spring, maybe a little earlier, so I have read. I had mine in the Summer, so I don't have experience with seasonal laying. Mmmmmm and those duck eggs are so rich, thick and delicious. Never got around to baking with them, though, but my! I am certain I could have baked some good cakes and cookies with those things! Sunny-side-up eggs were good enough for me. Yum! Dip my toast in 'em... Okay okay okay... getting carried away... But MMMMMMM!!!!! I can't wait 'til these Jumbos of mine grow up and my little Abbey-Beak starts-a-laying this Spring! Hehehehehe Just a fun pic to add... Not-so-jumbo Jumbos! :>
OMGosh!! That is the cutest pic!! Smith and Wesson were hatched by a jersey giant chicken. So, when I got them, I actually bought a black feather duster for them to hide under. They'd hide in the feathers and peek their little bills out. It just cracks me up what the ducklings decide to bond with!!

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