Pekin Duck Club!

Does anyone know what the best kind of soap is to wash pekin ducks with? Or if it's even okay to wash them? I have two of them and they love to get muddy. I'm taking them to the fair next week and was wondering if I could wash them.
Does anyone know what the best kind of soap is to wash pekin ducks with? Or if it's even okay to wash them? I have two of them and they love to get muddy. I'm taking them to the fair next week and was wondering if I could wash them.

Don't wash them with ANY kind of soap!
They preen themselves with their own oil gland and this is what keeps them from drowning! If they don't have that the elements can get to them and they could die.

If you want them clean I suggest letting them clean by themselves in either a kiddie pool or your bath tub. Then keep them away from mid and they will be good to go to show.
Okay, thanks for the advice! I will be investing in a new kiddie pool tomorrow since the one they have now isn't all that great. I'm really looking forward to taking them to the fair once they are pretty and clean!
One of my ducks was filthy and we came up with the bright idea to try to wash her. We used dawn dish soap as that's what they use to clean animals that are in oil spills so I thought it would be safe. It did not hurt her and it did clean her a bit, but I would never do it again. As one of the other posts said, it took the oils off her feather and she could barely stay afloat in the 125 gallon pond we have. Also, I washed her way to late in the evening for the sun to dry her. I live in Florida so it was not cold at all but I worried about her going to bed not totally dry. I used several towels trying to get her dry before I put her to bed. My ducks are little pigs and love mud puddles and sometimes are totally covered in mud. Honestly, they are adorable when they are filthy.

Sometimes they look a little dingy but eventually they spend a bunch of time in the pond and come back looking like beautiful little white ducks again. I will never wash mine again.

Can anyone tell if anyone of my Pekins are boys. Thinking I either have 2 girls n a boy or all girls not sure by their voice
The drakes (males) will get a drake feather. It curls up and around on their tail. Mine got his at about 6-8 months of age. I cant see their tails clearly in your picture to be able to tell but you might be able to depending if they are old enough.

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