Pekin Duck Club!

Ok I moved their lamp up. They didn't seem to be sneezing this morning. I just realized the feed they are in has no niacin. I will get some today one of them is walking wierd.
Ok I moved their lamp up. They didn't seem to be sneezing this morning. I just realized the feed they are in has no niacin. I will get some today one of them is walking wierd.

Unless it is specially formulated for ducks with extra niacin supplement, most feeds don't have enough niacin for ducks anyway. My feed contains niacin but not the amount ducks need, which is about 3x's as much as chickens.
Nobody knows??!!

I haven't hatched babies either but I plan to this summer as my sister needs some ducks. However, I think we are going to incubate the eggs ourselves. If I remember right, drakes can kill the ducklings and I have nowhere to put our drake to separate them. I also have a jumbo Pekin and I am afraid she would accidentally squish the babies, whether hers or not. Might want to do a search on here to get more specifics but I hear a lot of tragedy stories from duck hatching... seems strange that so many bad things can happen and usually I would trust nature to do it but I'm just not sure with the ducklings.
puddles is in duck diaper training lol. Wen we put it on sometimes he is fine n others he decides to run his butt backwards in circles lol any sugestions?
I too am diaper training Quack-Quack. I statred training him at 2 weeks but the trainers got to small to fast and had to wait another 2 weeks to order a "real" diaper harness He is 5 weeks old today. Quack-Quack also will run his butt backwards trying to get the harness off this way because he knows before you close it up he can get it off his butt. I think it's when they realize they can't get it off they leave it alone but then they're going to give it another try at times. I'm wondering how long it takes for them to get used to wearing it and they stop fighting it. Quack- wears his for 2 hours at a time right now twice a day, we are working up to longer intervals.
Keep me up to date how your training is going so we can compare notes :)
Lol ok!! Ill keep his on longer every day :) he's 3 weeks old no do u think I can shut his heat lamp off at night now? Out house is usually about 68 at night.
It's been about 2 weeks since I took the heating pad out. I was afraid to use a light so I just used a heating pad under a pillow case that had an auto shut off and would set it on low. We got him/her at 2 days old and that's all I ever did. We heat our house with fireplace only and it may run down to 65.What kind of bed? We've got a large canvas dog kennel and I use blankets for bedding but I have laundry to do EVERY day.
Along with backing up with butt in the air. Quack-Quack also has started pouting. He cries to us when his harness is on and he'll either go in his room and lie down the whole time or he has started hiding his/her head in the curtain or blanket hanging on the couch. So I hope Puddles excepts it a little better.
Hi! I am a new Pekin duck owner. We got 2 ducklings at our local feed store this weekend. They are so cute, but I'm clueless here. I have them on chick feed, do I need to supplement their diet with something else? We also have 14 baby chicks and are hoping they will all get along, but I have them separate right now because the chicks have medicated food. Any advice?
Hi! I am a new Pekin duck owner. We got 2 ducklings at our local feed store this weekend. They are so cute, but I'm clueless here. I have them on chick feed, do I need to supplement their diet with something else? We also have 14 baby chicks and are hoping they will all get along, but I have them separate right now because the chicks have medicated food. Any advice?
Hi and
I don't have Pekins just Muscovys but I enjoy reading about everyone Pekins they are such sweet ducks, anyway heres is a link to all kinds of things ducky, and Congrats on your ducklings, Enjoy.
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