Pekin Duck Club!

Chickiemommie87 it might b upper respitory!! Might want to get some meds into him. Feed stores carry that stuff :) I use tetroxy
I went to check on them and now they are both doing it and opening their mouths like they are yawning. I read about gape worm but they have never been outside... how would they have gotten this? I will look into the tetroxy, is it ok for a 1 week old? thank you for the tip.

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I also clean the enclosure 2 or three times daily. I keep them as clean as you can possibly keep a duck.
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I am not sure. Never hatched duck babies. I know with chicken hatchlings we left Momma and the babies seperated for awhile. When we mingled them with the rest of the flock, Momma never left their side. They were fine. I guess try it out. You will know soon enough if they won't like it.
I am not sure. Never hatched duck babies. I know with chicken hatchlings we left Momma and the babies seperated for awhile. When we mingled them with the rest of the flock, Momma never left their side. They were fine. I guess try it out. You will know soon enough if they won't like it.

That was my plan. LOL
Came home from work today and I'm a little Concerned. Waddlesworth is Sneezing alot and wheezing... can ducks get a cold? Our is he just stressed about their move to a new pen? What should i do?
Does he have water available thats deep enough to clean his nares?

Also how hot do you have their brooder?
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Alas my little mud ducks have decided to let me know what they are this past week!
The one in front is a boy and the one in back is a girl. She has been quacking like crazy all week! He peeps or tries to make a quack but nothing comes out for sound. Both are 6 1/2 weeks old now. Leaning towards naming them Jack & Rose. Ya, I'm a titanic fanatic.
Does he have water available thats deep enough to clean his nares?

Also how hot do you have their brooder?

I don't think their water was deep enough yesterday. I forgot about needing to clean nares. I put their pan of water In with them again. I will check in them in a bit. Their Brooder is about 85-90º.
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