Pekin Duck Club!

hey everyone
when I first got my little ones they were all grown and there were 3 females and one male but now I am down to one male and one female when would it be a good time to get more girls and if I was to get another male would my male fight with the new one this is kinda all new to me I have only had these guys for a year my family and I rescued them from a neighbor and brought them back to a healthy state
This year I had 4 males and one female. Three males had to go early on. For about three months, I had only the male and female pekin, but I also have muscovies—one male, five females. All pekins are gone now, but when I had only the two, they pretty much stuck together. No problems with the male being overly aggressive, etc. The muscovies did not like the pekins and would chase them off, so my guess is there was no pekin/muscovy mating.

It's nearly impossible to predict if a new male will fight with a currenlty present one. The two males may have to settle who is the alpha when you first a new one. There's also no way to be certain if even the new females would fit in. Adding females is less likely to cause a problem, but it's not guaranteed. If your ducks are fine with each other and the male is not overly aggressive, you might be okay with just two. Any time should be fine for introducing new ducks since yours are mature.
Putting them on my pond so looks and duckling noise and size I sent a big deal

Are you going to be housing them at night and providing food? Domestic ducks need a safe place and food they won't just find it on their own. If they are going to be on their own more than not, I would get a flying breed so they at least have a chance to escape predators.
Oh..yes of course the ducks will have a safe warm place to be...yes I would like ones that can fly I live near a swamp I don't want them in any danger
Oh..yes of course the ducks will have a safe warm place to be...yes I would like ones that can fly I live near a swamp I don't want them in any danger

It's really up to you then. Have researched any breeds at all? Flying breeds would be mallar, Muscovy and calls. Each one has their pros and cons. I only have pekins at the moment and they are my avatar. You may want to make your own thread asking for info on what breeds. You posted in the pekin one :) I am getting a blue runner, welsh harlequin, Cayuga and a white layer in a few weeks. I want them for eggs though so they are all pretty good layers. If you have a place for them to be safe you really can go with any breed.
thank you only ducks
my pekin is more playful than anything and when its time to go into the hutch for the night he rounds everyone up including my two roosters and scoots them in the hutch and waits for their little door to be shut before bedding down at night silly lil duck :)

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