Pekin is lame in both legs


In the Brooder
10 Years
Dec 5, 2009
Hi- I have been all over the internet and trying to figure out how to help my young pekin. She is lame in both legs, hopping with the aid of her wings. Leg joints seem swollen and locked, there is very little range of motion. I have added niacin, as some have suggested but I don't think that's what it is. Does this sound like an infection? The other two ducks and all the chickens are positively fine.

I also heard worms may cause this- her poo is runny and green but I don't see worms. she eats and drinks well and she is alert, she just cant stand up and walk.

any suggestions? I was thinking I should give her antibiotics, but don't have an idea which one.
How old is young? They can sometimes go through growth spurts that can affect their movement. Niacin, if they haven't been getting it, will take a few days at least to take effect.

I'd keep the duck seperated and confined to a small area so that it can rest for a few days at least.

Are your other 2 ducks male or female? Mating can be difficult on some females.

Info about their diet, housing and environment will be helpful too.
Niacin will help, especially because pekins grow so fast. Maybe try some electrolytes in her water also. Sav a chick or poultry nutri dench work well. Even some ACV (apple cider vinegar) in her water will help too. Try to confine her to a smaller space so she can't move around a lot that way she stays off her legs. I'd also check her legs really good for any cuts or bruises just to be sure. More information would help too. Like how old is she, what's her housing and pen like, does she free range, her diet, who else she lives with and stuff like that.
Thanks. she is less than a year- just now fully feathered. I got her with another pekin who is normal and doing fine. she lives in a duck house and run together with hens (they have a coop- they share the run) the run is dry and has sand / straw. there was a pretty good amount of wet by the water though, no wet food, no insect infestation.

I have had her on the niacin for a week- no improvement. I'm doing antibiotics now and have her confined.
Thanks so much for the advice.
Thanks. she is less than a year- just now fully feathered. I got her with another pekin who is normal and doing fine. she lives in a duck house and run together with hens (they have a coop- they share the run) the run is dry and has sand / straw. there was a pretty good amount of wet by the water though, no wet food, no insect infestation.

I have had her on the niacin for a week- no improvement. I'm doing antibiotics now and have her confined.
Thanks so much for the advice.

Hmm everything seems fine then. What kind of niacin is it? Is it just plain or time release? I'm glad she's on antibiotics hope she improves :) please keep us updated on her progress.

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