Pekin with bumblefoot



Apr 8, 2020
Hi everyone! Does anyone have experience treating bumble foot in ducks? I discovered a few weeks that one of my pekins has bumble foot. I've been lucky in the sense that this is my first "real" case of bumblefoot, as I try to check feet regularly. The first picture is from when I found it (3/22). The second picture is from a few days ago (4/4). On 3/23, I soaked her foot in a warm Epsom salt bath and pulled the scab off. But, I did not find a kernel. Is it possible the area was just swollen? All that came out was a little blood. I tried squeezing it (she honestly did not really resist) and nothing else came out. I put Neosporin on it and wrapped it well so nothing can get into the open area. I put a ziplock bag over it and secured it with medical tape so she can't soak it. I have been changing the bandage, cleaning, and soaking her foot regularly. Once a new "normal" scab formed, I stopped bandaging it.

It does look less irritated now, but I don't think it's gotten any smaller. However, it definitely has not gotten any bigger/worse, which I would expect to happen if there was a kernel in there. As far as I can tell, there's no heat in the leg. She's eating and acting normally. Last week she did start limping on the OTHER leg, but I upped the niacin she gets, and the limping got significantly better to the point where it's almost not an issue now. Should I pull off the new scab and see what the area looks like now? I've just been cleaning and applying Neosporin daily. Should I continue doing that or let it be and see what happens? Is there anything else I should be doing?

I am extremely hesitant to perform bumblefoot surgery because I've never done it before, and I don't want to hurt her. We also don't have all the supplies we'd need, and given the pandemic, I'm not sure how easy it would be to find everything. The rest of my family is not interested in taking her to a vet given the pandemic situation. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Yes...including with Pekins (which seem to get bumblefoot more often then other duck breeds I've raised). In the cases I've dealt with, the "seed" of infection has to come out or the foot won't heal. If there's a scab, I will pull it off and take a look to see if the waxy/cheesy kernel is there - often attached to the underside of the scab. Several such explorations may be necessary. This thread, which includes my post, may be helpful. Best of luck!
Yes...including with Pekins (which seem to get bumblefoot more often then other duck breeds I've raised). In the cases I've dealt with, the "seed" of infection has to come out or the foot won't heal. If there's a scab, I will pull it off and take a look to see if the waxy/cheesy kernel is there - often attached to the underside of the scab. Several such explorations may be necessary. This thread, which includes my post, may be helpful. Best of luck!

Okay. How would you recommend I look for the kernel? The last time I looked, it was just pink skin under the scab, so I'm at a loss. I also used up the latex gloves, so I'm worried about getting the infection, and furthering hers if the scab comes off.
Yes...including with Pekins (which seem to get bumblefoot more often then other duck breeds I've raised). In the cases I've dealt with, the "seed" of infection has to come out or the foot won't heal. If there's a scab, I will pull it off and take a look to see if the waxy/cheesy kernel is there - often attached to the underside of the scab. Several such explorations may be necessary. This thread, which includes my post, may be helpful. Best of luck!

Is is possible the kernel is deeper in the foot? Like maybe it's under the pink skin I'm seeing?
Is is possible the kernel is deeper in the foot? Like maybe it's under the pink skin I'm seeing?
Yes, it could be...and sometimes, it takes a while to find it. I know you mentioned not wanting to dig around in there, but if the infection isn't addressed, it could come out of the top of the foot or progress to the bone (definitely bad). Clear iodine was very helpful in my experience - more effective than Vetericyn or antibiotic ointment.
Yes, it could be...and sometimes, it takes a while to find it. I know you mentioned not wanting to dig around in there, but if the infection isn't addressed, it could come out of the top of the foot or progress to the bone (definitely bad). Clear iodine was very helpful in my experience - more effective than Vetericyn or antibiotic ointment.

Thank you so much for all your help! So, I pulled the scab off yesterday, and after cleaning, soaking, and using tweezers to pull out some chunks of yellowish debris, this is what I was left with. There was some blood as well as some dark brown liquid that came out. A lot of the stuff visible in the photo is because the hydrogen peroxide was foaming, but should I work to get more out? I worked on it for about an hour and never found a kernel. She made it quite clear she was done at this point, so I wrapped it and decided to call it a day. I didn't want to push it, especially since I was looking a what appears as healthy tissue. Maybe there wasn't a kernel formed yet, but just clumps of infected material? Would soaking more be advisable to bring the kernel out, if one's there? It's not any smaller after I did that, though. However, it's not larger, there's not any heat that I can feel in the leg, and she's acting fine otherwise. (Excuse the plastic bags on my hands...we ran out of gloves, and can't exactly get more right now).


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YVW. Since the kernel wasn't visible, keeping the area clean and packed with antibiotic cream (pain reliever-free) sounds like a reasonable approach.

Soaking the foot, especially with Epsom salt, can be may help the kernel come to the surface. The infection could also just resolve, so monitoring it - as I'm sure you have been and will - should inform your next steps, if needed. Hoping she's well on her way to recovery!
YVW. Since the kernel wasn't visible, keeping the area clean and packed with antibiotic cream (pain reliever-free) sounds like a reasonable approach.

Soaking the foot, especially with Epsom salt, can be may help the kernel come to the surface. The infection could also just resolve, so monitoring it - as I'm sure you have been and will - should inform your next steps, if needed. Hoping she's well on her way to recovery!

thank you so much for all your help! I’ll be sure to keep an eye on it until it heals.
thank you so much for all your help! I’ll be sure to keep an eye on it until it heals.
So, I've been doing daily foot soaks and applying Neosporin. The scab seems to be slightly lifting off the foot pad. Would that be a signal to try looking for a kernel again? I don't want to restart the whole process too early, but I also do not want to wait for it to get worse.
So, I've been doing daily foot soaks and applying Neosporin. The scab seems to be slightly lifting off the foot pad. Would that be a signal to try looking for a kernel again? I don't want to restart the whole process too early, but I also do not want to wait for it to get worse.
I'd take the opportunity to see if you can gently tease it off - I've found the kernel is often attached to the scab and it will come out as one piece. If not, you'll know that it may need more time. Best of luck!

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