Peking Duckling with crooked neck. help

Had to laugh at your duck wrapped up!! That's what my black duck looked like when we had his wings wrapped!!! He got out of his wrap the first time too! We read to keep him wrapped for 7-10 days. We kept it on for 7 days. It didn't help! I was SO Hopeful!!! Anyway, I was concerned that he would be able to poop when wrapped!!! But shortly after we wrapped him, he pooed on the kitchen floor!!! The adventures of duck/animal owners and lovers!!!
What is Niacin for? I wonder if Flock Raiser has it in the feed?
amander103 can you please tell me what your vitamin feeding routine was for Bentley?

I have a White Crested that started showing the same symptoms as Bentley yesterday. I am supplementing 100mg of niacin per 1 gallon of water, but that's it so far. Did you use vitamin E? Did you use brewers yeast AND niacin at the same time?

Thanks in advance:)
Yes I saw that one, thanks. I have spent the day scouring the forum for treatment. I'm finding how people have cured it, just not with any specifics. I'm noticing a lot about vitamin E, Polyvisol with out Iron, Selenium, and prescribed prednisone, but nothing with doses for ducklings. I'm willing to go through the effort, just afraid to OD Qwackers on vitamins. I called my vet, he gave me someone who treats birds, but it is almost $100 to see them.
Yes I saw that one, thanks. I have spent the day scouring the forum for treatment. I'm finding how people have cured it, just not with any specifics. I'm noticing a lot about vitamin E, Polyvisol with out Iron, Selenium, and prescribed prednisone, but nothing with doses for ducklings. I'm willing to go through the effort, just afraid to OD Qwackers on vitamins. I called my vet, he gave me someone who treats birds, but it is almost $100 to see them.
We haven't seen amander in a long time, which is a bummer because like you others have questions they like to ask. Have you looked in the chick section? I'll see what I can find out .
Okay here's one with dosage only thing I would do different is, I would not put anything in their mouths and try to get them to swallow, I'd mix in a tiny bit of warm water with feed just enough for them to eat at one time. I have put a tiny bit of Nutri Drench right inside the bill on my duckling before but to squirt a vit E capsule nope I'd be afraid of it chocking.
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We haven't seen amander in a long time, which is a bummer because like you others have questions they like to ask. Have you looked in the chick section? I'll see what I can find out .
Yes, I've been reading lots of threads. I guess rather than risking overdosing her I'm just going to stick to the niacin in the water. Swim time today was a little tough, with her head bent over she was having a hard time getting around. Poor thing still tried to keep up with her buddies
Yes, I've been reading lots of threads. I guess rather than risking overdosing her I'm just going to stick to the niacin in the water. Swim time today was a little tough, with her head bent over she was having a hard time getting around. Poor thing still tried to keep up with her buddies
Bless her heart, have you noticed any change since you posted she was walking a lil better?

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