Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Quote: There's a chart of breeds somewhere...lemme look for it...

OK.. So what exactly gets you flagged on this site.. I want to rant about something.. I can word it G rated I think.. Well you know what here it goes....And I have no clue why this bothers me. I was on FB today, reading posts, as I do and I happen upon this image of a woman, that I have as a friend on FB from a local bar I used to visit, not any more I moved away. Well.. She is with this guy that I was seeing about 2+ years ago.. AND GET THIS!! They are married!!!! I am pretty sure he blew her off to hang with me a few times, whatever... Guess I lost to her, and that is all fine with me.. But here comes the part where I bite my tongue and try to word this G rated... I wanted to post under the Married part: Congratulations Hope the marriage last and you don't end up taking it up the *****,
(Or perhaps something witty like that) cuz lets just say.. This guy should be into guys... if you get what I am saying..... Also more to the story and this idiot.. but It's in the past... and so you guys get my crazy rant!! HA! God I hate men.. I really need to see my therapist this week, oh wait I saw her Monday!! Bwwahahahaha
Look at it from the other side of the're better off without him. And she's stuck with him....sometimes revenge is best from a distance.
Hey guys! I lost my Sebastopol goose unexpectedly today. I'm very upset because he was so friendly and a great guard for the chickens. Now the lone goose is going nuts over losing his friend so I would like to try to find him a new companion. If anyone has any geese for sale I would love to buy one (possibly two if necessary). I'm not picky about breed but also not terribly crazy over Chinese geese. Would also like a goose that is not mean. The one I have left is a male so I would love a female but male would be fine too. I am in northwest nj right by the poconos.
Sorry for your loss.
I assume the key word there is "was"? :D
LOL...chicken math is always at work around here.
I seem to remember "someone" wanting BO's!! If I have a good hatch, I will be getting eggs from Silkie Sensation. I have to have 2 dozen to be sure we both get some girls!
And I also need (at the same time) to get my BCM eggs from Beaglady. If I happen to mix 20 extra chicks in with the BO "accidentally" nothing can be done about it! You are too new to chickens to know which breed is which right off. Okay, I am too. But I will know what I am giving you, and won't tell.

The chicks in the incubator are up for grabs.
Oh you...I just saw this!! Too NEW!!! hahaha Your funny..
....Okay , I DOOOOO nwant some I will be nice...for NOW!!!! hahhahaa

***Silkie**- I'm going to let Motorchick handle the egg- hatching....let her nerves get shot!..hahaha
, Looking forward to those BOs!!
Really? I know the gene occurs in other breeds, but it was brought to my attention that having a slow feathering gene is viewed as undesirable and was therefor neglected, so most strains of LF aren't likely to carry it anymore? As far as I know, it will only be seen in some strains of the heavy weight, slower-maturing birds like brahmas, Cochins and some orps. But I don't believe the gene is diverse enough to be frequently found. If I recall, the gene responsible for feather sexing is recessive, so both birds must be in a homogenous state for it to show up in offsrping. Considering that most people don't breed for the recessive trait, I believe considering it as a reliable and common way to sex isn't something I would openly advise my poultry friends to do. Although, I believe I might be seeing it in a couple of my buckeyes, but so far I've dismissed it as coincidence. If you know a few strains and breeds where the gene is prevalent, give me a heads up! :) Easy sexing is the best! (will someone breed it into silkies? PLEASE??)

Well put. And let us not forget the Magic Eight Ball! I'm telling u people, it is correct a good 50% of the time. Honest.
I was actually going to ask what you wanted to do. More geese is fine with me but if you would rather eat them than make the drive that's fine with me. I just couldn't pass up a proven trio for $45!!!!!

I am swimming in eggs again!!!! Always plenty to go around.

You want to just cancel, then? I don't mind. I really don't want ducks - we've had this conversation. I was going to try and appease the other half. Since he liked the Calls and they'd eat less...

I do need some help.
Seems most of the chicks I had brooded with my ducklings (oldest was about 3wks) are getting sick. I put one down yesterday just because I didn't want to deal with it. Only to find I have 2 more sneezing with clear discharge from their noses. These 2 are more important than the cockerel I euthanized yesterday. Now, so far, as I said, it's only the ones I had in with the ducklings. Could the wet mess and stink that 3wk old made have caused the chicks to get a respiratory infection? I started them on Duramycin tonight. Has anyone else had this happen? That duckling was the worst yet! I'd clean the brooder and in less than 15mins it was gross and wet. In 12hrs or less it's start to stink! So glad they are out of the house!
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Quote: Entirely up to you at this point hon. It's a long drive for sure. I can always ship you some eggs to hatch for the hubby if you want. I'm sure we can arrange a suitable swap of some kind there.

Yes, wet duckies can make chickies sick from being cold & wet. I always move my duckies to wire bottom cages ASAP. Once in the wire they can be brooded with chicks without too much danger to the chicks since all the water mess drains away & the chickies can stay dry even when the duckies get splash happy.

Silkie, I am originally from NY state.
OK, not her then.
Entirely up to you at this point hon. It's a long drive for sure. I can always ship you some eggs to hatch for the hubby if you want. I'm sure we can arrange a suitable swap of some kind there.

Yes, wet duckies can make chickies sick from being cold & wet. I always move my duckies to wire bottom cages ASAP. Once in the wire they can be brooded with chicks without too much danger to the chicks since all the water mess drains away & the chickies can stay dry even when the duckies get splash happy.

Usually I brood them separately, but I had no place to go with them until this weekend. Hopefully they pull through with this duramycin.

Lets just skip the swap. I was dreading that trip anyways. Your half was even longer! Lets pretend all your Calls flew away? No more ducks. No. Saying they can fly and did fly away will make him not want them (Yay)! I am hoarding the Toulouses' eggs and I am going to try to incubate them. LOL, lets see how this goes. I am going to keep the pair, just in case we change our minds. Both ganders were supposed to go tomorrow, but I want a few more eggs first. Maybe after the 'season' he'll become Christmas dinner.

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