Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I know exactly how you feel! Mine will turn 17 weeks old Wednesday and its felt like an eternity
i thought it was 20 weeks, my blue egger has been holding out on me if its only 17 weeks
you sure you weren't raised in the south? most people don't know what a rutabaga is until they are raised down there or at least lived there for awhile, course, wally world has opened eyes on southern veggies.
Lived in NC and WV.I can make a banging NC sauce for a pig picking. In NC I sold Christmas wreaths I made along side the road with the veggie farmers. They opened my eyes to a lot of things. And green peanuts AMEN! Boiled peanuts.........

how about a fried porkchop or a couple of fried eggs with a nice hot biscuit
Oh man! I'm hungry. Standing in the kitchen fixing something now....what the end result will be IDK. Hamburger, jalepenos, diced tomatoes, chillies, blackeyed peas. Ok just figured I'm gonna do it over rice and BAM

Nothing Fancy, but Yum! Potatoes and Onions.. sauteed in butter to a crisp ( a little soft in the middle) Usually with Egg & grits & sausage! Thanks WING for the Idea!!
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I've been researching coop plans and came across some other info. Has anyone given their chickens garlic in their feed or water? I just started with the ACV but read that garlic can be good for them too. I also read raw pumpkin seeds can help with deworming (though another site said there is no proof of this to be true).

I was on pinterest looking up ideas for my son's bedroom. We painted it last year and did a Lego theme. The old owners smoked in the house. On Christmas he was sick and I had the warm air humidifier on. Nicotine seeped through the walls. I tried using ammonia, vinegar, more steam....nothing will take it off the walls. So now I have to prime and paint again. We have been here 4 years and this room has been painted 4 times!!! Anyway, Pinterest is a dangerous place for me. I have a craft to do list a mile long and I keep finding things I want DH to make for me too.

I also wanted to share 3 of my favorite chicken recipes. I love to cook so I'm always on the hunt for new recipes.

Today is day 16 for our eggs. 2 more days until lock down!!!!!

Hope everyone had a great day.

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