Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

WING A DING DING. Sally just got 3 dz ringneck eggs at my house today. Guess I'm gonna have to try and incubate them myself.
Who wants to check the humidity and temp under my bumm? Just wanna make sure I'll be a good broody
UM Chad will you read the article I wrote and attempt to follow a few basics? please? save a chick
I have a handful of Black Australorps and EE's that will be 18 weeks on July 4th. I need the extra egg production right now because I can't keep up with the demand for my eggs. Since that is the case, none of them will probably lay until they are 30 weeks!!!
I can't wait to see the color of your EE eggs. What color do the Black Australorps lay?
I can't wait to see the color of your EE eggs. What color do the Black Australorps lay?

The Australorps lay regular brown eggs. 2 weeks after July 4th, my olive Eggers will be 18 weeks and about 3 weeks(?) after that my black copper Marans will be 18 weeks. By the end of summer / early fall, I will have the coolest egg basket this side of the Monongahela!!
Quote: JJ threatens them with becoming dinner. He tells them they will feed us 1 way or the other.

Quote: My oldest pullets are 21 1/2 weeks & range down to about 14 1/2 weeks, all different breeds but no hybrid layers. Not a single egg from them yet. The only 2 laying are the 2 hens that are from last year. I got rid of all of my older hens in the past 2 months to make for for about 22 new pullets that were growing out. Now they need to get it in gear!!!
I've been researching coop plans and came across some other info. Has anyone given their chickens garlic in their feed or water? I just started with the ACV but read that garlic can be good for them too. I also read raw pumpkin seeds can help with deworming (though another site said there is no proof of this to be true).

I was on pinterest looking up ideas for my son's bedroom. We painted it last year and did a Lego theme. The old owners smoked in the house. On Christmas he was sick and I had the warm air humidifier on. Nicotine seeped through the walls. I tried using ammonia, vinegar, more steam....nothing will take it off the walls. So now I have to prime and paint again. We have been here 4 years and this room has been painted 4 times!!! Anyway, Pinterest is a dangerous place for me. I have a craft to do list a mile long and I keep finding things I want DH to make for me too.

I also wanted to share 3 of my favorite chicken recipes. I love to cook so I'm always on the hunt for new recipes.

Today is day 16 for our eggs. 2 more days until lock down!!!!!

Hope everyone had a great day.
did you try Kiltz on the walls yet? it is an oil based primer! but it will cover that!! That is what we used! No seepage!

Here is the link to what you would want!|1
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So one apologetic email from porters later and my ENTIRE shipment is being replaced. Wow, go Porters!!!! And wow....soon to be over run by poults......does anyone need turkeys!?
The Australorps lay regular brown eggs. 2 weeks after July 4th, my olive Eggers will be 18 weeks and about 3 weeks(?) after that my black copper Marans will be 18 weeks. By the end of summer / early fall, I will have the coolest egg basket this side of the Monongahela!!
I can't wait to see how dark your Maran eggs will be! My hubby is coming out your way to look at a house. Since he is laid off he is looking for a project. It's a foreclosure and hopefully we can get a good deal on it.
Sooooo cute! Makes me want a puppy :)
did you try Kiltz on the walls yet? it is an oil based primer! but it will cover that!! That is what we used! No seepage! Here is the link to what you would want!|1
Thank you. I need to repaint the whole house with that. The hubby wants to insulate so I will wait until he is done tearing out walls before painting the main rooms AGAIN! Nicotine is some nasty stuff....for your health and your home!

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