Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

So I am thinking bout getting a pair of Buff Orpington hens in the spring. Any advice or ideas where I can find just 2 in the western pa, Pittsburgh area? Not sure if my local farm store will carry them.
I'm 45 minutes from Pittsburgh & always order in a pullet assortment in the spring. It always has extra birds & usually includes buff orps.

Quote: Duck eggs are quite tasty & HUGE! My pekins & runners were outlaying the chickens for several weeks this spring. I had 100% of the ducks laying daily & only 50% of the chickens. We haven't processed any for meat yet, but probably will.

Peacocks are on my wish list too, but I have to build them an aviary 1st. I don't have a pen tall enough for them right now.

I need quail pens in a hurry and no time to build so I am looking for chicken crates to use as quail pens,,, does anyone know where I can get about 10 of them, preferably open bottom with doors on top and side... plastic would probably work better......will travel with in reason for the right price,,,,Stromberg's is asking $75 for what I would want,,,that's a little to pricey for temporary cages
Mine are in this. 8 ft long, 2 ft wide, 2 ft high. Doors flip down but would do better opening to the side or lifting up. It has 5 sections. 4 are 18x24x24, the 1 on the left is 24 sq.

Quote: A barred rock roo will also have more white than black in the striping.
I'm 45 minutes from Pittsburgh & always order in a pullet assortment in the spring. It always has extra birds & usually includes buff orps. Duck eggs are quite tasty & HUGE! My pekins & runners were outlaying the chickens for several weeks this spring. I had 100% of the ducks laying daily & only 50% of the chickens. We haven't processed any for meat yet, but probably will. Peacocks are on my wish list too, but I have to build them an aviary 1st. I don't have a pen tall enough for them right now. Mine are in this. 8 ft long, 2 ft wide, 2 ft high. Doors flip down but would do better opening to the side or lifting up. It has 5 sections. 4 are 18x24x24, the 1 on the left is 24 sq. A barred rock roo will also have more white than black in the striping.
I was afraid pee wee was a boy. I love him so he stays! Now I need a girl :) I'm going to wait until I get my goat...which might not be for a year or so since hubby is busy building a million other things to bring up the peacock. Lol
So I am thinking bout getting a pair of Buff Orpington hens in the spring. Any advice or ideas where I can find just 2 in the western pa, Pittsburgh area? Not sure if my local farm store will carry them.
I'm a new chicken mommy & I found my Buffs on Craigslist from a great guy. I'm in Western PA too. He was less than an hour from us. I'll be getting 2 more Orpies from him in October and in December he will have 2 Gold Laced Wyandots & 2 Astralorps for me. I am real pleased with my girls so far. Both are laying now too. I prefer pullets over baby chicks. If you are interested I can give you my contact information for him.
My kids have always did great on the first day of school but this summer my very social daughter decided to attach herself to my hip. I'm hoping she won't cry on the first day. She has her brother and friends on the bus so fingers crossed! I hope Gavin has a great first day of school!
What other types of Chickens do you have? Just wondering in case you ever want to swap fertile eggs or are interested in swapping chicks in the Spring.
Right now they are housed with the Leghorns and White Rocks. It was a process to get them to all to get along. At the time I had 4 Leghorns and 7 Silkies. We lost 2 to predators and I had to give away 3 roosters. When my husband builds the new coop I will keep all the smaller chickens on one side and all the big girls on the other. I've been talking about this new coop for so long I'm starting to think it is never going to get built!!!! lol

Just curious for all you duck owners. Do you have them for their eggs, meat, both or just enjoyment. Until I joined this site I didn't realize how many people raise other types of birds. I keep seeing peacock eggs on Ebay and it's killing me not to get some! lol. Not sure what I would do with one but they are soooo pretty to look at :)
I originally got them for meat, but since I promised Gavin the first generation (any we get this year, minus hatches here) can stay it will be 6 months to a year til we have duck on the table. The pekin crosses were meant to be for meat, the eggs were a bonus. I do prefer duck eggs over chicken eggs for baking though.

The scovies are because I think they're so darn cute, love their coloring and offspring may be for meat or sale not sure yet.

The mallards (which aren't really good for either) bought by my oh so lovely sister were "her pets", although she has yet to do a single chore with them
. Anyway "hers" get to stay only because I love their antics and (hopefully) we should have some hens hatching in a few weeks. Not to mention the drakes have flown off for a few days several times and always return. The ones I picked up get to stay because I said so

I do want to add Khaki Campbells for the eggs, but they'll need to wait until Spring since we should have some more scovies in the next week or two.
They are soooo cute!

Boo!!!  Tell her we only have so many members on this side of the state and I need people to swap or buy from! lol. I had another package come today and my hubby said, "those better not be more eggs!" lol!

Lol. I'm working on it peeps but I think we'll have to move somewhere that the coop can be farther from the house first. Where in WPA are you?
Wing - chicken wire and 2x4 perhaps? Some staples and instant cages. I have some old 3 ft. Wire laying around if it helps.
material isn't the problem,,,,,The procrastinating husband is the problem......told him 6 weeks ago the quail were hatching and I would need new pens,,,he said that's plenty of time...........stupid me, believed him.....

I can not build anything that actually stays together,,,,I prefer to fill up the space that others build..
UGH! My 4.5 week olds have been out in the coop and run for a little under a week now, and this is their first time being out in rain. Instead of going under the coop, or into the coop, they piled into one of the fence corners and were actually standing on top of one another (feet on back), scared to death and soaked. It was heavy rain and I came out with an umbrella but had to abandon it because it wouldn't fit between the trees in the run.
I ended up way more soaked then they were.. the things I do for my chicks.

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