Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

It's so windy and cold here and white stuff is falling from the sky again.
Be careful out there! That wind is vicious!
I am gonna take your advice, so go ahead and stop by the house first, I will give you a list of chores that need done?

Did you check yet on babies, me want to see.

I processed tommy turkey, he was 17 pounds, we had the same problem again, he just did not fit to get a good scald, I think we need a bigger pot.

and I dug out the can for trash can chicken, found some charcoal on sale, must be last year's supply, so let me know when you guys want to try that, it is so simple and cooks while you get other things done
Will you be able to find a suitable substitute for them now that incandescent bulbs are being phased out? I am not being sarcastic, I am just wondering what folks will switch to in their homemade bators. Will you go to a heating element instead? I have been wanting to try building my own for some time, but I know nothing about wiring...
Maybe try the low wattage reptile heat lamps? Most of the big box pet stores sell them.

Or try the following if you're not amazon averse...
Maybe try the low wattage reptile heat lamps? Most of the big box pet stores sell them.

Or try the following if you're not amazon averse...

Was just at the local HD. They still had some 60W bulbs available but the guy said they are not getting anymore in. There will always be some speciality bulbs available....or you can get halogen bulbs too......

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