Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Look around a bit for the life jacket! Got this one recently for our new pup from TJ Maxx. Have another from Petco, pretty much the same thing but much more expensive. The pup loves to swim but were taking them to the beach and I want her to wear it if she's going to be in the ocean. My older dog (modeling the jacket in this picture) is a very weak swimmer so I put one on her when were out on the lake too.

Thanks! I love TJ Maxx as it is. Adorable pup btw
Roseschickies, sorry for your losses. I can offer you new babies if you want - cuckoo marans ( or the blue adults) blue Ameraucanas or salmon faverolles.

Wing, ha ha on hubby's new toy. I'd be excited too.
An offer for anyone on here, I know many like to eat farm fresh but would never process their own.
I am cleaning out a pen of freedom rangers today, am offering roasters at $1.60 a pound or cut to your specification for $1.70 a pound.. averages are between 4 and 6 pounds.

I miscalculated time frames and need this pen

These birds are 12 weeks old and fed non medicated ferment from day one, sorry these are not pastured birds.

Let me know if interested, what does not sell will be frozen on wednesday
An offer for anyone on here, I know many like to eat farm fresh but would never process their own.
I am cleaning out a pen of freedom rangers today, am offering roasters at $1.60 a pound or cut to your specification for $1.70 a pound.. averages are between 4 and 6 pounds.

I miscalculated time frames and need this pen

These birds are 12 weeks old and fed non medicated ferment from day one, sorry these are not pastured birds.

Let me know if interested, what does not sell will be frozen on wednesday

Wing, I would love some! I should be visiting with Rose when she stops by, looking forward to meeting you.

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