Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

My Lucky (3/4 Marans/ 1/4 brahma) laid her first egg this morning
I found it in the box and since I was setting for the hatch a long, I set it too lol. It's almost a purplish color. Her mother's egg is on the right (brahma/marans cross) and just a white OEGB egg on the left. I also got weird that the POL pullets that I sold a week or so ago just started laying also, nice olive eggs. So proud of all my girls!
Pretty color!

Anyone else get a chuckle or smile at the geico free range chicken commercial?
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really off topic question
I just did a barter that got me 2 gallons of goat milk...
Can I put the milk in quart size canning jars and freeze it in them??
does it effect taste when thawed??
I have been very lucky with my chickens..............I really have not had any big health problems................I did lose one chicken.............not sure where she went............did she get taken or run off............who knows she just was gone one day.

Today I noticed a red/ pink area around the vent of my SLW. she has an area that is missing feathers and red/ pink skin...........between her vent and her like above her vent.

I picked her up and held her upside down............washed the area gently with soap and warm water.........more like gently did not appear like open skin just featherless and a little red/ sore........

after washing and drying the area I sprayed it with blukote............

I am not sure what is causing this. They have not free ranged................I am thinking maybe the others are picking the feathers..................not sure.............any ideas...............what about eggs coming out of a bluekote painted vent! are they okay or no?
I would say local facebook pages or township online newspapers............  grocery stores........gas station.......places you go to regularly in your area.........

Did Facebook and craigslist. I live right on the edge of two townships, so that's kind of difficult.

Places I go regularly, hmmm TSC. Unfortunately, no computer or printer to make posters, lol. I'm sure someone will look for her, if not, she's happily curled beside my chair!
Did Facebook and craigslist. I live right on the edge of two townships, so that's kind of difficult.

Places I go regularly, hmmm TSC. Unfortunately, no computer or printer to make posters, lol. I'm sure someone will look for her, if not, she's happily curled beside my chair!

Might be worth asking your vet if you can swing by and see if she is "chipped". They probably have a scanner there, or at a local SPCA. Worth a try.

Pretty color!

Anyone else get a chuckle or smile at the geico free range chicken commercial? 

Stray dog showed up today. Obviously someone's pet. Not easy finding an owner living in the country, where do I put posters?

Knocked on a few doors. But no one recognized her.

Alerting the local pet shelters and the local police department help. A lot of people will continue to check in with the shelters to see if the dog was dropped of. Some people will contact the police since they are usually patrolling the area where the dog was lost and may spot it.

Notify vets in the area as well. Give a good description and contact info.

If it's a pruebreed, you may want to have a vet check it for a chip or tattoo.
really off topic question 
I just did a barter that got me 2 gallons of goat milk...
Can I put the milk in quart size canning jars and freeze it in them??
does it effect taste when thawed??

Freeze milk in plastic or leave lids off of glass jars until solid to allow for expansion & prevent jars from cracking. Just shake milk to mix cream back in once thawed.

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