Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

@Sally Sunshine Sorry to hear that you haven't been well. I hope that each day finds you better and better
I'm not sure that I've ever met you on here before but I've heard of you, your birds, and probably read an article or two lol. Welcome back and good luck on all your adventures!

ETA: Those puppies are stinking cute!
LOL I am glad the research is still getting some use and helping out others! The pups were terrible to let go! Loved them so much!!! We had a hard time with the litter, actually sad not hard. A family had their one child extremely allergic to the pup and we had to get him after a week, it devastated them, I was so upset for them, so sad for all the kids :( Breeding comes with heartbreak thats for certain.

(((((((Sally)))))). !!!!!

So great to see you stopping back in... sorry to hear about the rough health year but hearing it is improving is great!
Keep in touch on your meaty and other projects...

You were missed!
I will Karen! I need help with them so I will post over in the meaties group soon. I just noticed some butts are missing feathers, so they must be peckin. ughhhh will chat over there about that!

How are the dogs and the flock and rest of the family?
I will Karen! I need help with them so I will post over in the meaties group soon. I just noticed some butts are missing feathers, so they must be peckin. ughhhh will chat over there about that!

How are the dogs and the flock and rest of the family?
Dogs and family are good, flock is growing and we are winding down a great fishing and camping season.
And i use blu-kote quite freely on the meaties....they grow so fast their feathers often don't keep up so lots of pink skin shows through. a good spritz of something blue keeps them from noticing any tempting pink.
Quote: gotcha! oh I finally got to put a rod in hand 2 weekends ago! we went down to Maryland to Point Lookout, didnt catch much without a boat, but sooner or later I will get one again! Its gorgeous down there and I soooo needed to look at something other than my home.
gotcha! oh I finally got to put a rod in hand 2 weekends ago! we went down to Maryland to Point Lookout, didnt catch much without a boat, but sooner or later I will get one again! Its gorgeous down there and I soooo needed to look at something other than my home.

Wish i had known you were going there... my family is still in the area and I could have gotten you out on a boat. My cousins live 5 minutes from the bridge going onto the point and dock their boats in the creek there.
Wish i had known you were going there... my family is still in the area and I could have gotten you out on a boat. My cousins live 5 minutes from the bridge going onto the point and dock their boats in the creek there.
Oh WOW! what a coincidence! I was fairly upset at the park during the day, we had to beg to be let in to go to the pier, as they said the park was full, the pier and dog beach stayed empty!! But I had a hissy fit with the ranger and said we drove 5 hours to take our kids fishing and paid at the campground they better let us in! LOL
Hello Pennsylvania! New here to BYC, but super excited to start being a chicken owner! My family and I are in Lancaster, Pa. We hope to start raising chicken in the next year, just trying to prepare ourselves!
you have come to a great place for help! ask away I am sure everyone will jump in to help you figuring it all out! We are north berks PA Near Cabelas ;)
Hello Pennsylvania! New here to BYC, but super excited to start being a chicken owner! My family and I are in Lancaster, Pa. We hope to start raising chicken in the next year, just trying to prepare ourselves!
What kind of chickens are you hoping to get? So many possibilities out there and then chicken math hits.

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