Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I just got my 2 beautiful Americaunas from Nothingbutbirds. They did not seem happy to go from her nice warm car, and out into the cold. They are fine in their temporary (quarantine) home now.
One pooped on the car seat as I was putting it into the the Jeep. There is also litter all over the seat now. Too bad the Jeep belongs to my M-I-L. She hates animals. Fortunately, I will have time to clean it in the morning before returning it to her.
gotta love chicken poop... NOT litter training hmmmmmm
We were without power for 24 hours. Got it back about 7 pm, just as we were walking out the door to go to a friend's for showers/dinner. Still went out for a hot meal!

My coop was COMPLETELY flooded. Not so happy chickens yesterday, but they were actually happier to be out and about even in the drizzle today.

Lost the dead apple tree that I asked the yard guy to remove at the beginning of the summer!!!! It took out one of my wash poles, snapped it right off at ground level...the sucky part? It was STEEL!

My family is in Toms River/Seaside/Bayville/Tuckerton NJ. I am just crying over all the loss in my hometown. My kid sister spent the night up watching as PPL kept trying to push power down a line next to her house......only problem with this idea, a tree was down on the line, every time they pushed power...the tree caught fire...and her dogs went insane.

My gram lost 4 huge old oaks on her 100x200 lot. One of them down on her concrete front porch, but no damage to the house.

My mom lost her shed over hers and the neighbor's backyards. She attempted to go to work, no go, as EVERY street in downtown Toms River had trees down on it.
Sorry to hear about the family closer to shore : (
Am going to take a drive around today,,,curious how those houses made out with the storm that are covered in solar panels..
Thanks everyone , for the well wishes on the job interview, I really hate to change jobs after all these years, but I have been seeing to much that does not look good at my present place, and I need to have a steady schedule, as of now I never know what hours I am working from day to day..
Wingstone almost sounds like you work where I do! Havea feeling you are in a different department. Lots of people worried about the future.
Yep, gotta go with the gut on this one, the funny part of it is that it was my immediate supervisor that told me to apply to this other place, he is trying to go there to...

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