Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Use an old sheet (or 2) as lifter slings to get her in and out of the tub. Still not easy but better than up close struggling.

I commented to DH yesterday that ours are due for a bath. One had emergency surgery for a bowel obstruction 10 days ago so she won't be allowed for a few more days. Her incision is healed now though.
was thinking about recent online activity here and realized that I haven't been keeping things too up-to-date. Most of last 10 months has been about major changes because of a major foot injury, surgery and then developing an aggressive case of rheumatoid Arthritis which has been an ongoing battle.

I had gotten a new female pup (Kendra) late last spring but tragically lost her when she was hit by a truck in early December. An unusual set of circumstances led to us being able to get another young female (Jenibelle) when my breeder/friend had some health issues of her own and had to downsize much of her livestock and dogs. Jenibelle was supposed to be her next generation breeder, she had kept her as pick of the litter from a summer litter. She hadn't found her a new home yet when she heard about Kendra. She offered Jeni to us with the hopes that she can get a pup back from her in a few years when her health is back and she re-establishes her herds.

So I made a trip to western Oklahoma to meet her shortly before Christmas. I picked up Jeni and 2 adult dogs who I was also transporting to new homes for her. One dropped off near St Louis and the other in NW Ohio. The trip did 2 things for me... it made it possible to have another wonderful dog and it cemented my plans to start working for myself. I have accepted that EMS isn't possible much in the near future at least so I have been in process of setting up a small animal transport service. Getting pretty close to being on the road with it.

I think that catches everything up now.. once I start doing road trips I will post up destinations on here if anyone needs some eggs moved.

I believe a song said it well.... Times they are a-changin'....
Some recent pics...
Just pencil rock mixes, love these girls, good Eggers, good chunky bodies, and yes, they are broody! Lol

And to continue photo bombing....

And this is our girl on drugs! OMG, she came home from her surgery on lots of good drugs, she was very upset about the cage (she wanted cuddled instead) and she stuck her snout against the cage and was doing dramatic moaning and sighing to get DH's attention (she knows he is a sucker for her dramatics). She fell asleep though and the above pic was snapped. Of course I also got videos! Funniest thing was she did it twice.
Sorry for sweet Kendra. Jenibelle is a beauty! Maybe Mindy and chickens will teach her to be a good broody:p

We have gone through many family problems and health issues ourselves too. I just keep telling myself that this is life and we all need to deal with it. In the meantime, there’s always some good things happening everyday! For example, my peace lily just has a new flower today! :love
Use an old sheet (or 2) as lifter slings to get her in and out of the tub. Still not easy but better than up close struggling.

I commented to DH yesterday that ours are due for a bath. One had emergency surgery for a bowel obstruction 10 days ago so she won't be allowed for a few more days. Her incision is healed now though.

Oh no! I'm glad she was able to get fixed up! I'm just thankful that Smores isn't one of those dogs that gets greasy and stinky easily. It helps in the bath department ;)
was thinking about recent online activity here and realized that I haven't been keeping things too up-to-date. Most of last 10 months has been about major changes because of a major foot injury, surgery and then developing an aggressive case of rheumatoid Arthritis which has been an ongoing battle.

I had gotten a new female pup (Kendra) late last spring but tragically lost her when she was hit by a truck in early December. An unusual set of circumstances led to us being able to get another young female (Jenibelle) when my breeder/friend had some health issues of her own and had to downsize much of her livestock and dogs. Jenibelle was supposed to be her next generation breeder, she had kept her as pick of the litter from a summer litter. She hadn't found her a new home yet when she heard about Kendra. She offered Jeni to us with the hopes that she can get a pup back from her in a few years when her health is back and she re-establishes her herds.

So I made a trip to western Oklahoma to meet her shortly before Christmas. I picked up Jeni and 2 adult dogs who I was also transporting to new homes for her. One dropped off near St Louis and the other in NW Ohio. The trip did 2 things for me... it made it possible to have another wonderful dog and it cemented my plans to start working for myself. I have accepted that EMS isn't possible much in the near future at least so I have been in process of setting up a small animal transport service. Getting pretty close to being on the road with it.

I think that catches everything up now.. once I start doing road trips I will post up destinations on here if anyone needs some eggs moved.

I believe a song said it well.... Times they are a-changin'....

Wow, so much has happened! I'm so sorry that you lost Kendra 😔 Jenibelle is a beautiful girl! She looks like she had a sweet and kind face. I'm sure Mindy will teach her well!

Sorry for sweet Kendra. Jenibelle is a beauty! Maybe Mindy and chickens will teach her to be a good broody:p

We have gone through many family problems and health issues ourselves too. I just keep telling myself that this is life and we all need to deal with it. In the meantime, there’s always some good things happening everyday! For example, my peace lily just has a new flower today! :love

I how everyone is ok and things return to normal for you and your family, whatever may be going on.

We've also had some struggles ourselves. DH officially lost his unemployment last fall. We were able to skate by for a little while but he finally had to get a job. It was hard for him to actually find one but he managed to get an IT position at the courthouse. It doesn't pay great but it's a foot in the door. He likes it so far but this is still his first week. He's in his last semester for his associates degree now. We've all been sick a lot since before Christmas with flu, pneumonia, and strep cycling through the house. The kids are busy nonstop. Both are doing stage crew for the school musical, DS made it to district swim, regional band, regional chorus and is auditioning for states. Of course this is the time where the cars are all acting up. I'm ready for things to start slowing down and getting back to some sort of normal around here.

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