Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

What kind are they?
Thanks for all of the
!! These darn things really weasel their way into your hearts!! I was sitting at the produce auction at Root's when my DH called to tell me. It was no surprise, but I still found myself tearing up. Luckily, I sit in the back, so I don't think anybody noticed! Has anybody had a bird with Egg Yolk Peritonitis survive? If so, what did you do??
NW Pa here
I might have missed prior comments since I can't seem to keep up with this anyone going to the York Show on April 13th?
I believe Blarney, Blackbird, Reyvaughn, and Kiomey have said definitely going.
I have 1 1/2 week old chicks and 4 day old chicks. Last night they were making a trilling noise. I have them separated but beside one another and it wasn't just one side but coming from both sides. Are they ok.
Sounds like happy chicks to me.
well come get a few, I can not stop them from going broody look at the duckies... some would debate that.
May take you up on that.
Catching up...
Good luck.
My 6-yr-old wants to post something. I would appreciate your indulgence.

i went to the muves and i saw brave and i was a little scared.

**I went to the movies and I saw Brave and I was a little scared.**

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