Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I spent 2 days driving with my husband around PA looking for the coop I was supposed to get for my b-day. Finally got it, and was home after 10 last night.
Put it together, and decided to paint it before adding chicks. Thanks to the rain coming, I had to wait to paint. The storm licks up, the gusts are reported to be about 40MPH.
I look out the window to see the coop had ROLLED and blown about twenty feet, and is now in pieces.
Glad the thing was empty. Not sure what to do about it being broken. Try to fix it, or see if I can find another, and exchange it? Just return it (it had a small broken piece to begin with that I wasn't worried about)?

Oh crap! That's awful! Try to exchange it before fixing it? Aw :( I'm sorry :(

I do have *free* coop materials for anyone interested. I'll post pics soon. Aluminum sheets ( old trailer siding), lumber, etc. DH used recycled stuff on our coop & I'm gonna paint it kewl :)

Of course, MC, you have a sweet new coop, so you wouldn't want to ghetto it up. Try returning it if you can. I imagine it could be fixed and painted, but it's brand new, so that sucks. Good luck!
OK.. So what exactly gets you flagged on this site.. I want to rant about something.. I can word it G rated I think.. Well you know what here it goes....And I have no clue why this bothers me. I was on FB today, reading posts, as I do and I happen upon this image of a woman, that I have as a friend on FB from a local bar I used to visit, not any more I moved away. Well.. She is with this guy that I was seeing about 2+ years ago.. AND GET THIS!! They are married!!!! I am pretty sure he blew her off to hang with me a few times, whatever... Guess I lost to her, and that is all fine with me.. But here comes the part where I bite my tongue and try to word this G rated... I wanted to post under the Married part: Congratulations Hope the marriage last and you don't end up taking it up the *****,
(Or perhaps something witty like that) cuz lets just say.. This guy should be into guys... if you get what I am saying..... Also more to the story and this idiot.. but It's in the past... and so you guys get my crazy rant!! HA! God I hate men.. I really need to see my therapist this week, oh wait I saw her Monday!! Bwwahahahaha
OMG! You should post something offensive & inappropriate on FB. Haha! I knew a girl who started a fan page for exes of a jerk. It was surprising how many girls were on it!
I spent 2 days driving with my husband around PA looking for the coop I was supposed to get for my b-day. Finally got it, and was home after 10 last night.
Put it together, and decided to paint it before adding chicks. Thanks to the rain coming, I had to wait to paint. The storm licks up, the gusts are reported to be about 40MPH.
I look out the window to see the coop had ROLLED and blown about twenty feet, and is now in pieces.
Glad the thing was empty. Not sure what to do about it being broken. Try to fix it, or see if I can find another, and exchange it? Just return it (it had a small broken piece to begin with that I wasn't worried about)?
on man..just saw this...SOOo SORRY!!!
....I don't know , could you send it back? exchange it? So sorry cyclechick!
Does a chick with cocci have poop that resembles grape jelly kind of in color? My son swears he didn't drop any jelly near it while eating his sandwich. I have had it quarantined since last night just because it was acting strange and one if its siblings just rolled over dead for no reason. Its an orpington mix approx. 5 weeks old. Oh, and its more puffed up than the others.
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I spent 2 days driving with my husband around PA looking for the coop I was supposed to get for my b-day. Finally got it, and was home after 10 last night.
Put it together, and decided to paint it before adding chicks. Thanks to the rain coming, I had to wait to paint. The storm licks up, the gusts are reported to be about 40MPH.
I look out the window to see the coop had ROLLED and blown about twenty feet, and is now in pieces.
Glad the thing was empty. Not sure what to do about it being broken. Try to fix it, or see if I can find another, and exchange it? Just return it (it had a small broken piece to begin with that I wasn't worried about)?

Ohhh NO!!
Hey guys! I lost my Sebastopol goose unexpectedly today. I'm very upset because he was so friendly and a great guard for the chickens. Now the lone goose is going nuts over losing his friend so I would like to try to find him a new companion.

If anyone has any geese for sale I would love to buy one (possibly two if necessary). I'm not picky about breed but also not terribly crazy over Chinese geese. Would also like a goose that is not mean. The one I have left is a male so I would love a female but male would be fine too. I am in northwest nj right by the poconos.

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