Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Quote: I may take ya up on it even if we do have some hehehe
big_smile.png If your DH is subscribed to the yahoo group, youse guys are probably members. Missy, I'll shoot you a PM. I know someone who works for the extension in Adams county. She did recently tell me that the extension system has been reorganized so that extension staff members are more able to specialize in their areas of expertise. That does mean that the 'poultry expert' might be in the Lancaster office, but anyone in the state can use their services. Since so much information dissemination happens online anymore, it makes sense. know men...they tend to forget what all they signed up for.
Anyone else have issues with wild birds trying to get into their house? I opened the window in the brood room to get some fresh air in, turn my back to mix the FF and I hear a weird chirping at the window. I turn around and there's 4 sparrows on the sill trying to get in (thank goodness I had the screen down) and my chicks were darn near screaming bloody murder. I know several are nesting near the window, they've been chasing my cats. I wonder if it was the smell from the feed or if it was the chirping from the chicks. Hmmm
My garage/chicken coop is the weirdest design...ok everything on this property is...but anyway...there is a woodstove in the garage. The previous owner knocked a block out so the chimney could go out...I swear it shouldn't be big enough for a bird to get through...but every once in awhile, I'll go out to find a bird in the garge...flying around in the rafters....stupid things.
I see you've had a conversation with my grandmother!
Oh my godddd. What's been going on here for the past week? There's hundred of new posts and I don't even know where to start reading. This was finals week for me at college so I sort of swore off the internet as best I could. What's up chicken-owners! I'm home free for the summer. :weee We just picked up our last chicks from the feed store today and they're so small they walk right through the older chick's legs. I've nicknamed them the Cotton Balls. Two little silver-laced wyandottes.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Getting antsy here... we leave in the morning to head to NY to get the new puppy. Will be a fun spring/summer showing the new little guy the ropes. Mindy is SSoooooo going to have her nose out of joint!!! :lau
Get her some chicks, she won't even notice the new puppy.
Hey guys i know there is a few hatching people here so I figured I'd ask. One of my Large fowl cochin hens went broody so I found 13 eggs of various breeds I have been drooling over to put under her. Twelve out of 13 hatched. Have never had that great of a shipped hatch rate! Anyway is that to many chicks for her to mother? She seems to be covering them just fine. She is just beside herself having all those little ones. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks! Kristen. Oh and ps I will take pictures later today:)
Hey guys i know there is a few hatching people here so I figured I'd ask. One of my Large fowl cochin hens went broody so I found 13 eggs of various breeds I have been drooling over to put under her. Twelve out of 13 hatched. Have never had that great of a shipped hatch rate! Anyway is that to many chicks for her to mother? She seems to be covering them just fine. She is just beside herself having all those little ones. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks! Kristen. Oh and ps I will take pictures later today:)

I would think she would be just fine with them!
Hey guys i know there is a few hatching people here so I figured I'd ask. One of my Large fowl cochin hens went broody so I found 13 eggs of various breeds I have been drooling over to put under her. Twelve out of 13 hatched. Have never had that great of a shipped hatch rate! Anyway is that to many chicks for her to mother? She seems to be covering them just fine. She is just beside herself having all those little ones. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks! Kristen. Oh and ps I will take pictures later today:)

Should be fine. Congrats! :)
Sally has been converted,,,she will never eat store bought chicken again......
so much for empty bators, you need to hatch to have all those roosters.

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