Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Remember the tub plucker I ordered about 2 months ago,,,well hubby got a phone call shortly after we ordered it,,,apparently they sold way more than they had, and was asking people if they could  wait a month, they offered $75 dollars back,,,so of course hubby said sure.....well it is finally in my hands now,,,and like a child i really want to try this toy out..   it is bright and shiny and has a motor,,,what more could a girl want.

Awesome!! Love when I get new toys, it is so hard for me to not use them right away soon. Like when I got my first gun last month, had to shoot it THAT day!!! Christmas in June right?
I am getting ready to leave for a very long work week of 12 hour shifts, so that new toy has to wait,,,,This weekend will be the meaties and next weekend will be excess roosters,,,,will try to get pics of the silkie rooster processed
If the weather is not to warm i will cook him off on sunday and let everyone know....but I am pretty sure it will taste like chicken
So r u laughing yet? This was my Saanen, Shem. He was a withered male (neutered). We did many parades, demonstrations, and gave rides. He was my best friend for years. I miss him very much.
[COLOR=FF0000]Thanks. Wish I could find another Saanen, I would train another one in a heartbeat. :love [/COLOR]
I have a friend who may have some if you want me to check on them. I will see him this weekend.
Sure, if you don't mind. A kid would be best but I could probably train a yearling as long as they have been socialized. Thanks! :)
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