Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

It's called sweet PDZ. Pretty sure they don't sell it on their website bc it is heavy. I think the bags I buy for the horse stalls are 25lbs. It's in the store with the horse supplies
thank you....didn't put the whole name down...sorry. It is a heavy bag. It is not too expensive either, you don't have to use much, well...I don't. I only have a couple birds.
I am content with my current flock, I am drawing the line at 20! lol That line started at 4, but hey so many varieties to choose from! With the space I have for them I am at my max. Once I get tired of these girls (If I get tired of these girls) I may eventually pick some different breeds, But very happy with what I have and can't wait for everyone to start laying!

Does anyone put anything down in the run area? I am not thrilled with the smell I am getting, chicken smell is all.. I see sand, but is that just in the coop vs using hay? I do throw my grass clippings in there after the BF mows, what else do you do to cut down on the smell, especially on hot summer days!!

Oh also can't wait!!To show everyone my new water-er for my girls, it will prolly end up holding 6-8 gallons of water for my ladies! :D Will have pics soon,but this is what I based my waterer off of (see link below)! No hose I will still have to lug the water out with me, or set it up so I can carry the thing to the those hose! lol
Oh, I love my girls (/boys?) except my bigger, older barred rock hen who is SO mean! She would be on a plate by now since she doesn't even lay and just bullies the chicks but I can't bring myself to make the decision to end a life.... not crazy, I promise, I just feel so bad.

And I will definitely look into the sweetZ, the girls don't smell too bad but I don't want the neighbors to complain.
Do the hens try to eat the pellets you use for bedding? I am using hay and they thrash about in it to find food and half of it ends up on the floor outside of the coop, killing the little grass that is left.
Quote: How does it last compared to shavings. I go through a ton of shavings at a time when I start cleaning coops & brooders & can it be used in brooders or just with older birds. Don't think it would work for my waterfowl very well since it looks like this stuff clumps when wet. I have mostly waterfowl & quail. Only 2 coops & 2 cages with chickens. The rest are quail, turkeys, ducks & geese...,plus 4 brooders full of keets, poults, ducks & chicks.
I m also new to the goat thing, but am figuring it out as I go along, you are welcome to stumble along with me!

Anyone interested in buying goats can PM me, we are coming down the homestretch in their pregnancies and seeing signs of the impending labor. God willing, we'll have some babies soon!

Edited to add: Gooseygooseygan, I'm more than happy to share goat milk, if you can help me get it out of them! :D

Don't forget blarney I'm only a txt or phone call away if they are having trouble just call!! Also I will come give u a lesson on milking I'm a little rusty since we haven't milked in a long time but lt I like a bike.. You never forget! Soo excited to see pics! Dd will be like can we please go see them, they never get tired of seeing baby animals!
How does it last compared to shavings. I go through a ton of shavings at a time when I start cleaning coops & brooders & can it be used in brooders or just with older birds. Don't think it would work for my waterfowl very well since it looks like this stuff clumps when wet. I have mostly waterfowl & quail. Only 2 coops & 2 cages with chickens. The rest are quail, turkeys, ducks & geese...,plus 4 brooders full of keets, poults, ducks & chicks.
this is stuff you put on your bedding to help keep the smell down. It is not bedding.
I am not sure about using it in with babies....maybe someone else knows, sorry..I just haven't had the joy of babies yet
. I don't know if they would pick at it & try to eat it.
It is just tiny white 'balls', i guess that is how one would describe it. I sprinkle it over the sand in the coop/run, then i use the little coop-rake to just bled/mix it in. I don't even think you have to mix it in, I just do.

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