Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

[COLOR=0000FF]Sorry I don't have baby goat pics. Just baby bumps: Sorry about first pic, Our ill mannered goat, Candy is a bit of a photo bomber~ that is her nose. I think you can still see the bump on Lily though.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]This is Colash, I'm thinking one baby for Lily and 2 for Colash. DH thinks she's got at least 4 in there. Silly men. He follows up statements like that with 'wait, what are their names? which one is the boy?' ~we have no boys, but I am contemplating telling him that one of the boys is pregnant. yup, that can happen with goats.[/COLOR]
Sorry but doesn't look like they dropped yet!! Their bellies will drop just like we do before birthing!!so watch for that and u will know it is soon! They will also have them on the worst day!!! Good luck !!
Sorry but doesn't look like they dropped yet!! Their bellies will drop just like we do before birthing!!so watch for that and u will know it is soon! They will also have them on the worst day!!! Good luck !!
I second that on the worst day thing. our ewes love to have there lambs on the coldest day, or the bigges snow or worst rain storn.... ALWAYS!!!!! Nad they should also bag up more before having the kids as well. :) And i DO have cholostrum in freezer from our ewes. Just let me know if you need it. I have found once i started saving cholostrum to give to those who were abandoned or too week, we lost a lot less lambs.
Any pictures from the get together this weekend?

I want the hubby to start working on my coop soon. I know what I want the outside to look like but what are some must haves for the inside? The one we have now has a small window, an opening on the back to get the eggs and the bottom pulls out for easy cleaning. The perch we put in is too high and the birds hardly use it. Should I put it on the same side as the nest boxes or the opposite side? I've read about putting a ledge underneath to catch droppings and makes for easy clean up. If anyone has any inside pictures of their coops or things they love or hate about it please let me know!

Here is our coop before the addition. I want the same simple set up for the new one......just bigger.

Love this! I need to see if I can build something similar for our Polish. My son is starting a small flock of "poof heads" as he calls them. He's 6, so he just had to have fancy chickens for himself.
Evening everyone,
Been a hot and busy day!! Sorry to hear of so many family members being ill, I really hope they recover soon. The medical "industry" as a whole needs an over-haul, unfortunately, until then we/our loved ones are the ones to suffer the inadequacies. Roses... I am sorry you may have to make a heart breaking decision
I have prepared the bator and myself to enter into the unknown of egg hatching. I have printed out Sally's-(Thank you ) 45 page "guide" to keep by the bator for "quick" answers..(thank you MotherHen for the idea!
)...The bator is doing it's job very well, will be purchasing a humidity gauge tomorrow, a few more things to get ready...then setting the eggs
.....Not nervous, just very excited!! This opportunity has only been made possible by some extremely awesome people!! I hope I can thank them by having a great hatch
.... Might be AWOL for a bit...really feeling the "trip" and life in general
...Have a great night everyone!! -Danielle
You want a good hatch, but don't want roosters or more than one pullet. That does it! The garage is being turned into a coop!
Chad, why did you give her those eggs?
Quote: I never would have thought of that! Great idea! No, I don't have goats (yet). I see them in my future though.
Any pictures from the get together this weekend?

I want the hubby to start working on my coop soon. I know what I want the outside to look like but what are some must haves for the inside? The one we have now has a small window, an opening on the back to get the eggs and the bottom pulls out for easy cleaning. The perch we put in is too high and the birds hardly use it. Should I put it on the same side as the nest boxes or the opposite side? I've read about putting a ledge underneath to catch droppings and makes for easy clean up. If anyone has any inside pictures of their coops or things they love or hate about it please let me know!

Here is our coop before the addition. I want the same simple set up for the new one......just bigger.

I don't know if there were any pictures. I know there was threats of pictures. LOL
I second that on the worst day thing. our ewes love to have there lambs on the coldest day, or the bigges snow or worst rain storn.... ALWAYS!!!!! Nad they should also bag up more before having the kids as well. :) And i DO have cholostrum in freezer from our ewes. Just let me know if you need it. I have found once i started saving cholostrum to give to those who were abandoned or too week, we lost a lot less lambs.
Hmmm...SO if I get carried away talking on the phone or in general while at the auction and I accidentally come home with a lamb You'd sell me some colostrum?

You want a good hatch, but don't want roosters or more than one pullet. That does it! The garage is being turned into a coop!
Chad, why did you give her those eggs?
I never would have thought of that! Great idea! No, I don't have goats (yet). I see them in my future though.
I have no idea what your saying lol
ok, so..... one isbar didn't make it... and it was BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So my only cream leg bar pullet didn't make it AND my Blue Isbar didn't make it..... Ugh....

so tell me why I just ordered more eggs?
So you really want us to tell you or was that question rhetorical?
I don't know if there were any pictures. I know there was threats of pictures. LOL Hmmm...SO if I get carried away talking on the phone or in general while at the auction and I accidentally come home with a lamb You'd sell me some colostrum?
I have no idea what your saying lol So you really want us to tell you or was that question rhetorical?
yes I will give you colostrum and yes it was rhetorical... Lol :)

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