Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Today I have a case of the incubation blues....10 of 14 eggs are on day 21, and not a pip or peep....the last four are due tomorrow...tic toc, tic toc....

I hoping you are pleasantly surprised!
If anyone is interested... here is a picture of my son's legs, you can really see the swelling that is still present. He has had two X-Ray's now.
How's your son doing? Hopefully he is staying off that ankle and taking it easy. I know how he feels, I have weak ankles and just standing there they give out and I'm on crutches. Here's the start of my garden. Don't know when I will be able to get out to the garden and start working in my compost and getting it ready to plant.
He is doing as good as can be expected. Thank you for asking. :) It is hard for him to stay off of it due to school. But when he is home we try to keep him off of it as much as possible. It still swells up. We have to ice it when he gets home from school. Other than that he is in good spirits. :) Good luck with your garden. Those sprout ling's look good! What you have started there? I have not started ours yet.. Need to get my tush in gear.. Lol
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Quote: You have had a rough go of it this season... hopefully this year will work out better, seems like you've had all of the problems hit at once, so maybe it will settle least I sure hope it does!

Woo Hoo
I sold 5 dozen eggs today!! Pays for 2 weeks of feed. Awesomesauce :)

Found one of my turkeys, she just about a year old and tried to lay her first egg. She has a prolapsed vent. I tried to push it back in but it came back out. I can't bring her in to nurse her back to health. :( Do you think she will be ok or should we put her down? I'm so upset. She's a mix of Red bourbon and Royal Palm.
One of our hens had a prolapsed vent, we did bring her in, bath her in warm water to clean her up, sprayed the vent area with blu-kot and rubbed hemorrhoid cream on it and pushed it back in gently. We repeated this numerous times over about 2 weeks and she did recover and has not had trouble since... 2+ yrs now. Her prolapse had been pretty horrible, so I had expected to have to put her down also, but was amazed at how well she did.
I understand if you can't keep her inside (we were able to 'hospital' our hen) but even if she needs to remain outside I would try to isolate her for treatment and cover her cage with a dark sheet or blanket for a week or so to minimize light to hopefully slow down her egging. I am not familiar with turkeys, but with out hen we were able to darken her cage and get her egging to practically shut down for 2 weeks to give her time for recovery.

I haven't posted one of these in a while but we were discouraged there for a while and completely stopped working on it but we're back to it now. Well, once Hubby gets home from training. I'll do what I can on my own but that's not much lol
You are making great progress!! Just take it one board at a time and you'll be moving your birds into their castle in no time!
Woo Hoo :bun I sold 5 dozen eggs today!! Pays for 2 weeks of feed. Awesomesauce :)

Found one of my turkeys, she just about a year old and tried to lay her first egg. She has a prolapsed vent. I tried to push it back in but it came back out. I can't bring her in to nurse her back to health. :( Do you think she will be ok or should we put her down? I'm so upset. She's a mix of Red bourbon and Royal Palm.

This may be crazy, but is there a way you can stitch it into place? Like, one on the top and one on the bottom? Dr. Pol did it to a cow with a prolapsed rectum. I know a cow is not the same thing as a turkey, but... :confused:
@fisherlady 12 chicks hatched, and one is working on it right now. Every chick is black except for one! I woke up today to one "highlighter baby". Bright yellow!

It's not very good of a pic, sorry.

There's one little black chick with the cutest fluffy face, but it's weak. It may not make it, but it's not suffering in the slightest bit. Just very tired, and will wobble from place to place in between naps.
My sprouts are on shelving, not sure what's in the picture but I planted, tomatoes, peppers, cantaloupe, broccoli, cabbage, zucchini, yellow zucchini, cherry tomatoes, butternut squash, cucumber.

My turkey won't go into the coop. She is behind the coop and no one was bothering her. She let me poke around with her while my hubby held her. She didn't want to be caught. It's out a lot. There was a big bloody egg under her. I might be able to put her into the coop and lock her in. I don't want to stress her out more. I spray their food and water with wheat germ for extra vitamins. I guess I will have to go out and get some hemorrhoid cream and give that a shot.
Looking good! Looks like your girls will have a great home :)



Looking real nice.,,,,any chance I could move

lol thanks. I guess you could, but it'd probably be a bit Drafty ;)

Very nice, hope you get good weather this weekend to work on it.:)  

Thanks! I hope so too but I can't do much on my own. I tend to be determined though. Maybe I'll attempt to tackle a wall tomorrow lol. Hubby won't be home for another week still.

You are making great progress!!  Just take it one board at a time and you'll be moving your birds into their castle in no time!

Castle? So that's why I named two of them Ariel and Princess lol. Apparently, my husband wants to put a bunch of stuff for them to climb all over and on in the run so it'll be like a big playground :)
This may be crazy, but is there a way you can stitch it into place? Like, one on the top and one on the bottom? Dr. Pol did it to a cow with a prolapsed rectum. I know a cow is not the same thing as a turkey, but...
I don't know how to stitch it back in. There is a lot of vent hanging out, like a handful. Very scary looking. :(

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