Pennsylvania!! Unite!!


"Ducky" the chick that hatched out of what I thought was a duck egg.

"Chicky" the cayuga/ancona cross my daughter named.


Duck brooder addition. Keeps water out of the bedding. Water drains through the screen floor.

So there's a light brahma egg pipped now. Is that okay? That seems really early to me...

It's only Day 18.
I am no expert in any sense of the word...but if it's ready, well then..
...hahaha, it is only early by a couple days...maybe someone who knows better will talk some intelligence

Got to get finished with the packing..i hate this part..i like unpacking even less
...Have a great night everyone. Have a Wonderful good Friday...
I have a good...bad issue, well for me bad cause I am not doing the "chick" thang at the moment...
Hen-Bree is broody..not just "oh, I think I'll sit for a little bit here"..oh no...she is all out CRAZY broody..and she isn't even sitting on ANYTHING 99% of the time, sometimes she will sit on someone elses egg...she is not laying, she has de-feathered herself on the underside to 'soften' the nest, she will just sit there all; day I pick her up, she stays in that "i am sitting on something" position until she get's the motivation to go and eat..peck around a little, get a drink..and poop the most stinkiest, green thing I ever saw
I am trying to talk DH into may be getting something at TSC.
...we are getting our meaty and turkey pullets on the 3rd on May...Does anyone think she would "mother" them for a bit??..maybe help to snap-her out of this craziness...We aren't going to do anything about her until we get, maybe separate her from the rest, and try to coax her out of broodiness....
....If anyone has any suggestions...BESIDES..more birds...geesh
....I would love to hear them...Thank you-Danielle
OK... I am at work, so hope I can get this out before I have another call.... PERFECT solution coming your way.... MotorcycleChick needs a new EE roo who isn't nasty to her other guy.... I just happen to know someone with a very sweet EE roo and a beautiful group of EE girls, who just happen to produce a lot of beautiful EE eggs... hhhmmm... well, my solution to MC's roo problem when I spoke with her last week was to get her a bunch of eggs to hatch out, she could sell of any extras and keep whichever EE boy she liked best. I just know she was so tempted!

Now it would push her right over the edge if I told her that she could help you out by letting your girl do her broody thing, hatch out a half dozen or so cuties and stay with mama for a few weeks, then move to her place.... now doesn't that just sound like a win/win?????

And I would provide egg delivery!

So... how'd I do??

Duck brooder addition. Keeps water out of the bedding. Water drains through the screen floor.
Great idea on the duck brooder addition!

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