Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Here's a cuteness spam for you guys on this gorgeous Tuesday :)




Penelope :love:


What a cute couple^

My nameless roo. Sooooo nice to the girls and me. :)

Talk about cuteness overload! No girlfriend for your call yet... Have you checked out the PoultryShowCentral web site? I think it lists swaps as well as shows.
Wow! This farm life is always throwing me curve balls....although dealing with bears would probably send me over the edge. I can't imagine.

I'm putting my birthing kit together for my Lily Love. Her official kidding date is May 15th but anything past the 5th is considered full term. fisher, I wish I could borrow some of your strength of character for the upcoming week. As it is, I'm losing sleep, jumping every time I hear them holler, and planning chores that will keep me within ear shot of the goat pen.

I remember that from years ago with a horse... and she ended up foaling in the field and we never knew till the next day when there was a little filly running around with her dam... since you have gathered supplies, and probably warned your vet of the upcoming due date.. then all that is left is to sit back and wait. Only other possibility is to get a wireless baby monitor to stick in the goat shed and carry the receiver with you so you can hear what is going on better. I would rather hear clear sounds over the monitor (that you can most likely identify) than muffled sounds from across the yard. May reduce false alarms and running out to check...

Bears are to be respected, but understanding their motivations and typical behaviors goes a long way toward helping to avoid conflicts with them... I would rather avoid the conflicts, but have upgraded security a bit more and are even more cautious about activities which could draw their attention. The 12 gauge and .357 are both available if needed...
Strange topic but I can see some here liking this.... I want to be a thorn tree

As opposed to a relative of mine who has been in poor health for many years. She's sat and watched while the family has done fun active stuff. Her desire is to be cremated and have her she shoot out of a cannon. Wants to go out with a bang.
Told you I'm not normal to most people. I am normal in my family.
My neighbor had her baby over the weekend. I was watching their ducks for a couple days and for reasons I have not determined, threw a few of their eggs in the incubator. I couldn't help myself, the door was open to take some out for lockdown and there was empty space.
My neighbor had her baby over the weekend. I was watching their ducks for a couple days and for reasons I have not determined, threw a few of their eggs in the incubator. I couldn't help myself, the door was open to take some out for lockdown and there was empty space.

Well that seems perfectly logical...How about some more so they are not lonely.

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