Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

They sure love their hiding spots! Looks like a great score! Thanks for sharing it...wish it was closer. Definitely a high risk for us! He is sweet, I know hubby would have them all as pets within weeks! LOL Awesome! Great way to use the finds!
Not this time, saw them at produce junction and got them for myself. At $3, it's a reasonable splurge!
Woke up just in time! THIS NEVER GETS OLD no matter how many chicks you hatched!!

Teeny CurlySues! aka HarmonyAnns Serama....
Love her new tiny Roos, they are making such cute little all color cuties!
One problem with them is she is getting more straight than frizzle, they are so sweet looking!

ps... ignore the blue circles around the bottom, I had two sets of eggs in and I hand roll these tiny eggs. When its lockdown its quicker to see who is who and grab them out.
I marked air cells on day 16 because they hatch anywhere between day 19 & 20, as you can see the eggs are all different sizes and the bigger ones will hatch tonight into tomorrow.
Serama take some time to learn how to incubate.





Amazing! You're right, it never gets old....:lol:
I'm looking for some started pullets or sexed chicks that are guaranteed to be females. I recently got some straight-run Ameraucanas and all of them turned out to be cockerels
. I'd prefer more Ameraucanas or other blue laying birds, but I'm open to offers of other breeds as well. I'm in central Pa, close to Harrisburg. PM me please!

Are you on Facebook? I am meeting a guy and getting 10 week old Ameraucana Lav. tomorrow he is in Mt Union. I think he has more to sell. Old enough to be pretty sure pullets.
GM all:

Here's my two young Olive egger boys ...the second guy is mostly blind...(he gets bullyed a bit by the #1 guy but that's life)....what's interesting is guy #1 has some green in his tail feathers...
I know there is a section for this, but I figured I would try here in hopes to find local. I am looking to get some hens that lay green olive, dark brown, blue, pink, etc. I just would like a wide array of colors for collecting, anyone know anyone that might know someone that is selling hens or chicks?
Hey guys, how do I go about getting my NPIP certif. and how fast can I get it? I'm looking to ship eggs out of state.


I might be getting some of the specifics wrong, but, there are a couple of classes to take...a test on drawing blood,,,,,a visit from the AG folks to view your flock and set-up, and you would need to close your flock (no more swaps)....that;s my understanding(s)......
Hey guys, how do I go about getting my NPIP certif. and how fast can I get it? I'm looking to ship eggs out of state.


I might be getting some of the specifics  wrong, but, there are a couple of classes to take...a test on drawing blood,,,,,a visit from the AG folks to view your flock and set-up, and you would need to close your flock (no more swaps)....that;s my understanding(s)......

What?!? That stinks... I'm not getting certified then
Hey guys, how do I go about getting my NPIP certif. and how fast can I get it? I'm looking to ship eggs out of state.


Nan Hanshaw, DVM, DACVPM
Chief, Animal Health Division PA Department of Agriculture
Bureau of Animal Health
2301 N Cameron St/Harrisburg PA 17110

ALSO you will want to get your CPT

ALSO everyone may want to read this that came in last night


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