Pennsylvania!! Unite!!


Get some girls from Fisher, she's the broody queen....her girls are amazing!!!

All hail the Broody Queen! Haha! :bow

me too,,my only adult roo is blind and its problematic...I'm 6 mos till my three young boy will get there game on....c'est la vie........

Was he born blind?

......finally got some work done on the coop to figure out the roost heights and trim it out and put the roof on.

Looks good design wise, but it's certainly not big enough! :lol: :smack
All hail the Broody Queen! Haha!

Was he born blind?
Looks good design wise, but it's certainly not big enough!


Had to have his blood tested (Blarney helped) because that indicates some weird serious disease may be present....and yes born that way...and he can see a few inches.....I didn't even notice it while he was in the brooder so, he's got three hots and a cot.....

PS: agree....not big
Good morning, Fisherlady!
My one sister is moving to a farm, where the back end of the garage is a big coop. They are right there by Meyer Hatchery, but will probably be getting the chicks from me. Abd why not? Free is free! Not to mention, they will be at point of lay by the time my sister moves into the farmhouse.
I must say, I am incredibly jealous! I think they have about 50 acres! My brother-in-law is totally used to that, since he used to be a caretaker for one of the Salvation Army's summer camps.
I sent them this picture of my gorgeous rooster.
Good morning all!

Happy early easter to me, found this this morning! All of my adult birds are officially laying now. This comes from my African goose

......finally got some work done on the coop to figure out the roost heights and trim it out and put the roof on.

AWESOME! finally! Looking good!

I'd like to get a hold of two barred rock hens or something else that can handle the winters that isn't a Rhode Island red

Luckily almost everything handles winters well here with the exception of roosters with large single combs and some of the Mediterranean class hens wit large combs like leghorns, ancona, minorca etc

Ya i had got an egg today from my turkey and I was going to put it in the incubator but I didn't but I think I am going to put it in here

I thought you only had one turkey right now? Surely it wouldn't be fertile?

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