Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Here is some pictures of my hens in question. I not sure how many I have left. Need to count my chickens. To see if I need to hatch any out or go buy some chicks.
Sorry, but that won't happen here. We don't go into the woods to find them and if they infringe on coop area it is a bad decision on their part. They may not be as malicious or predatory as fox, weasels or racoons but they are all considered a threat once they enter the yard area.

I don't understand why everyone is so eager to shoot everything in their backyard. My husband is the same way. But I've never shot anything, or ever had any issues with critters (except hawks). I leave scraps out on compost and have caught every wild animal on my trail camera. Even foxes and coyotes, right next to my coop. But they don't bother the chickens and they're just passing through, or scavenging in the compost pile. They're animals and they don't know where the "wild land" ends and the human backyard begins...
I will add that I have hand-fed wild raccoons right out my front door. All they want is a free meal and they are wonderful creatures. My husband wanted to shoot a possum that was digging around where our old coop was but I went out there and poked it with a broom and it ran away without a fight. I have gone to lock up my chickens way past dark before and found skunks and possums eating the chicken food. They didn't pay any attention to the chickens. I'm sure someday we will encounter a problem coon or possum but that doesn't mean they are ALL bad.

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